
Fallen Angels: A Short Story

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“No, Peter, we play a very delicate game of balance between us and the U.A.C.T., and that’s why the Alliance is so important. We keep law and order amongst our own kind. We keep the conscious dead from killing and spreading the infection and we terminate any of our members who cross over to become a full-blown zombie. We keep our kind safe and hidden from normal society and in return, the government doesn’t go rooting us out of existence. “Yes, we have our little parties, where Jimmy here sells some flesh to the attendees. But we can bend the rules a little so long as they’re not broken and the revenue Jimmy and his friends bring to us in the Alliance helps fund our plans. Besides, it isn’t hurting anyone, and it keeps members of the conscious dead from going out and culling their own flesh, thereby drawing unwanted attention to all of us. After all, Peter, we are zombies at heart, consuming human flesh is what we are supposed to do, eating people is perfectly normal.” I didn’t wait to set in on him. I went immediately into saying, “So, the murder of our own kind is punishable under the Alliance and the murder of people for the sake of gaining flesh to consume at a personal level is also punishable. But, Jimmy and his crew get to go around eliminating members of the conscious dead who owe him money and he …show more content…

“That’s enough of that,” he then said, sounding affronted and trying to change the subject. “Here’s the deal… We know you’re one of the government’s guinea pigs and we know they’ve been pumping you full of a lot of strange stuff for a while now. Lyle and Kim have recently found out that whatever is in you, is changing you, has changed you we can see it in your face, we’ve found it in your blood. So, the deal is you for Anna. You comply with us, come with us and do what we say and we’ll let her go, no strings

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