
Fall In Long Term Care Essay

Decent Essays

Broken bones, hip fractures, head injuries, and even death are a serious concern among the elderly in the long-term care setting resulting from falls. Fall prevention in a long-term care facility with dementia residents presents an ongoing challenge to the entire interdisciplinary care team due to their cognitive impairment. Even with significant protocols in place, falls are still to common. There must be other interventions such as distraction techniques that can help reduce the incidence of falls among this population. Residents who fall in long-term care usually does not cause significant injury. Some residents end up with small abrasions due to their fragile skin. However, one out of five falls does cause a serious injury such as …show more content…

L. Holtz, a registered nurse (RN), mentions even with the use of tab alarms, residents still experience falls (personal communication, February 3, 2017). When a resident is first admitted into long term care, they undergo various assessments. One assessment is the Morse Fall Scale (MFS). The MFS is a rapid and simple method of assessing a patient’s likelihood of falling. It consists of six variables that include: history of falling, secondary diagnosis, ambulatory aid, intravenous (IV)/Heparin lock, gait/transferring, and mental status. There are three risk levels based on scoring: no risk, low risk, and high risk. L. Holtz pointed out interventions for high risk residents would include: tab alarms, floor alarms, and lower beds (personal communication, February 3, 2017). She also mentioned each resident is identified as a fall risk by a falling star poster which is attached to their name tag outside their door (L. Holtz, personal communication, February 3, 2017). Other interventions to reduce the occurrence of falls include: regular toileting, clutter-free areas, and well lighted area. Efforts and interventions are placed to assure the safety of the residents. However, even when these interventions are in place, falls still

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