
Failure In Plato's 'Allegory Of A Cave'

Decent Essays

n the story Allegory of a Cave by Plato, a group of slaves lived in a cave for all of eternity. These slaves never witnessed true light and the closest they've experienced to light was a series of shadow puppets shown past a fire inside the cave. Later on, a god free one of the slaves and as he exits the cave, the slave witnesses light for the first time. However, the light from the sun became too bright for the slave, and he could not adjust at all, but over time he started to embrace the light of the sun. Failure is similar to the experience that the slave endured from the light: failure will break you down, but you start to embrace the failures over time and utilize them to succeed. As Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan once …show more content…

For my first hour, I took an honors course in biology and my teacher, Mrs. Caldwell taught with an iron fist and she would not allow for any excuses. During Freshman year, my high confidence prompted me to push her aside. This was pivotal sd she constantly pushed me to work as hard as possible, nag about my mistakes as much as she could, remind me of my terrible grade in her class on a near daily basis, and call on me to answer as much as possible. As a result of my experience in her course, I felt depressed, my ego was crushed, and my grades started to flounder to a 2.7 gpa during my first semester of school. Still, failure leads to success and I developed the blueprints for success. The series of failures compelled me to worked harder each year. I kept improving my grades, took harder courses and the results started to see as I finally achieved a 4.0 GPA after my last semester. Likewise, my ceiling hitting ego cooled down and I learned how to be humble. Body wise, I started to eat more nutritious foods and developed my passion for running. The failure from a lack of effort during freshman year lead to motivation as I would constantly remind myself about that failure whenever I felt like I had enough with school and all of the workload. Just like Mike, I failed and I failed and that is why I

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