
Failure: A Personal Analysis

Decent Essays

One may question the reality on what failure is, but to me, failure is more than failing to get a task done. Failure includes the idea of letting someone down. In my case, it was letting myself down. Now how did I let myself down? I let myself down by becoming overly conscious of what people thought of me. Negative thoughts began to flood my mind. I never truly paid attention to what others thought, yet it something I cannot deny. I began to eat less and less. In high school, I was known as the girl who was shy, not entirely pretty and practically had more weight on her than anyone could count. I never truly paid attention to this before. Until one day it took liking someone to change this. This individual that I liked did not talk to me. They ignored me entirely. I thought …show more content…

I mean I was willing to change myself by losing weight. My story is really hard to describe. The one idea that I forgot to mention earlier is that I began to have dizzy spells. I even may have been on the edge of an eating disorder. Though, I will admit I got through this difficult time by people who love me. This may not seem like a failure, yet to me it truly is. The situation could have gotten worse, but it did not. Out of this one experience of failure, I hope to inspire others who struggle with similar situations. There are in fact many people who I personally know that struggle with accepting who they are. One individual I know stated that she might as well stop eating in order to get a date. If no one eats then that could lead to death. No one should change themselves. This may just be my opinion, but the fact that I fail to love myself is a lot. I struggle with it constantly and it affects my relationships with other people too. I lost many great friends over this. The main idea out of all of this is that failure is more than just getting a task done. It includes losing insight on who someone may

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