
Fahrenheit 451 Quote Analysis

Decent Essays

“Why Society is not happy “

Has there ever been a time when you or the people surrounding you have felt unhappy? Fahrenheit 451 is a story about how a government limits the beliefs of a society, through censoring and the burning of books.

In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag, Beatty, and Society are not happy because they lack the characteristics of a happy society.. which is free speech, and freedom of thinking.

For example, during an argument with Mildred, Montag asks “How long has it been since you were truly bothered about something?” Montag begins to question the harmony which inhibits emotion, because Mildred is never truely bothered about anything, and doesnt care about anything she does.In a more “blatant” instance of Montags uninhibited emotions, Montag says to Beatty, “Im so damned unhappy.”53 In a sense, we witness Montag losing his relationship with the people he knows and loves, This is due to a realization that challenges the reality choking world around him. He later express his new ideas by refusing society's beliefs. …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451 serves as a sort of “close minded” society, where old ideas are simply disregarded or forgotten. As Walt Whitman once said, “be curious, not judgemental.”(Walt Whitman) This society regards ideas such as Walt Whitman's as “abnormal” and “antisocial”, because this method of thinking sparks the idea of revolution.Beatty exercises ignorance, because he fears that books will arouse a select number of people in this society. Beatty reveals his fear by comparing books to “loaded guns”(58). In reality, the truth is that books and other forms of literature, grant the readers a higher level of thinking and curiosity, over the people who proceed to not read

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