
Factors Of Fredrick Herzberg's Theory Of Motivation

Decent Essays

Motivation defines itself as the inner drive to act in a certain manner. Behind every action there is a motive.
Importance of Motivation o Motivation fills the gap between ability and willingness. Motivation gives reason for people to get to work or action. Without motivation man wouldn’t feel the need to work. So in order to achieve goals he puts himself and his resources into use. o By judiciously putting resources to work and its repetition leads to efficiency in an employees work. o Motivation helps in achievement of organisational goals as efficiency and productivity in the work of an employee improves. o Motivation brings in a positive attitude in employees which helps them perform well and also brings in stability of human resource due to …show more content…

Security needs include physical safety and job security.
3. Social needs consists of affiliation needs like family, friendships and other informal groups.
4. Self- esteem needs are the needs that bring confidence, self-respect and competence in a person.
5. Self-Actualisation refers to the maximum potential a person can reach.

Herzberg’s Two –Factor Theory of Motivation

In 1959, Fredrick Herzberg propounded the two factor theory of motivation. In this theory if a factor does not satisfy neither does it dissatisfy. The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction. His theory was based on identifying two different aspects of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction- motivators and hygiene factors.
Hygiene factors are the job factors that cause satisfaction or no satisfaction in a job. Presence of hygiene factors are the reason for job satisfaction. Hygiene factors are also called maintenance factors. Factors like pay, benefits, company policies, job security, status, physical working conditions are included in hygiene factors.
Motivators are not the same as motivators. Motivators are factors that affect motivational level in a positive manner. Motivators yield for higher performance. Growth,

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