
Face Recognition

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Face Recognition Paper
Adriana Zachry
November 13, 2012
Christopher Wessinger
Face Recognition Paper

Face recognition develops slowly through life. Recognizing a face can be a difficult for the individual and also for the brain system that processes. The complexity of recognizing individual faces can be a difficult task at times. Recognizing faces also includes looking at an individual’s emotional expression and then, being able to take that information and processing it. This can be more complicated because facial recognition also includes the processing of emotions and emotional content. The brain can easily recognize a face without encountering any complications.
Facial identification is essential for …show more content…

In order for a person to recognize a face, the face features must be encoded in the long-term memory first and then retrieved from the brain. The encoding process is a very important part of recognition memory because it determines if the persons face will be recognized later on. It depends on the strength of the member whether the person will be remembered by recollection judgment, or is known by familiarity judgment. However, whether the brain remembers a person, place, or thing depends on the strength of one’s memory or whether they were paying full attention to details. “Configural system is always necessary for face recognition, and appears to support what remains of face identification even in prosopagnosic people who have an intact part-based system” Rivest, J.J., Moscovitch, M.M. & Black, S.S. (2009).
Long term memory is information that is permanently stored in the brain for later use.
Long-term memory is made up of both semantic and episodic memory. Semantic memory is all of the information that one accumulates over a long period of time that is not linked by time or place. This includes information related to who, what, and why. Episodic memory acts as the memory for when and where (Argumosa, M. A., 2010).
Finally, face recognition starts at infancy and is utilized throughout one’s life. A person must utilize their long term memory for face recognition. A person must give their full

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