
FCCLA Recommendation Letter

Decent Essays

I am writing this letter to inform those who it concerns, that I will be resigning after the 11th of September, of my place, as president, in the Harrisburg FCCLA chapter. This letter comes after a lot of thought, contemplation, and sadness over my experience. Since my freshmen year, FCCLA has been a passion of mine. I loved everything it involved, stood for, and meant for so many people. Once being elected as our chapter’s president in May, I was incredibly excited for my senior year as president, however, after my trip to nationals, my excitement minimized. During nationals, I felt a lot of mixed emotions. In D.C. I felt as though I was treated unfairly, lied to, disrespected, and taken advantage of. Many things were promised to us that would happen at the trip and did not, leaving me upset and unhappy. Throughout the rest of the summer after nationals, I had it set in my mind that I would be resigning. However, I talked with other officers and my parents and decided to try it. I chose to try and put the experience behind myself and move on with the chapter and make a good year out of my last year. …show more content…

and what had happened, I realized that it wasn't what I had hoped would have taken place. From then until now, it has only reimbursed my thoughts and feelings that our National experience has over shadowed my senior year and place in office. I have continued to feel as though I am being pushed out and unwelcome after repeatedly being told about meetings or activities late, being informed of things happening by other officers in my classes, and showing up to meetings scheduled a week in advance and have nobody be there. I feel as though other officers have put up a barrier between them and I, not allowing me to truly start my role as

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