
FAP Case Studies

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My field placement is currently at Family Assessment Program (FAP). FAP is a voluntary program that aims to strengthen families and help them stay together. FAP seeks to reduce future involvement with the juvenile justice and child welfare system. My client system at FAP was basically parents who were having difficulties with their teenage children. Both the parents and the children came to the FAP to seek services to address their defiant behavior. Interviewing the family was able to apply four concepts to my cases which were empathy, barrier, taboo and tuning in. The following case scenarios will discuss how I was able to apply the concepts, obstacles I encountered.
Schulman defined empathy as “helping the client share the …show more content…

West who was approximately 32 years old came to FAP seeking services for her 13 years old daughter. Ms. West reported that her daughter has not been going to school and was recently arrested for shop lifting. Ms. West reported that she recently left the child’s father for infidelity. Ms. West started crying and reported that her husband was the love of her life and she does not know how to move on or function without him. Ms. West stated that she believe that her husband absent from the home is having a negative impact on her daughter and she does not know what to do. Listening and seeing the pain, Ms. West was going through was distressing to me because I was taken back to a time I was experiencing a similar situation as she was. At that moment I sincerely understand and felt what Ms. West was going through. I was taken back to that time when my life was also turn upside down. Trying to stay focus and help this client was difficult because I was caught up with my own emotions. At one time I felt a tear drop falling from my face however I was able to maintain my composure and provided Ms. West with the services she needed for herself and her daughter. I found myself going above and beyond to find the most appropriate services for the family. I realized my personal feelings impacted how I work with this family as I find myself making excuses for the child when she was being disrespectful to Ms.

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