
F. Scott Fitzgerald 's ' The Great Gatsby '

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Chapter VI 1. Gatsby’s father figure is Dan Cody and the business Gatsby is about is bootlegging and other various illegal activities. By including a Biblical allusion, Fitzgerald allows the reader to apply the knowledge they have about the verse to Gatsby and see what the relationship between Dan Cody and Gatsby was like. 2. Gatsby is actually the living “Platonic conception” of James Gatz. Gatsby is a wealthy and successful man who is an expert at what he does. He has expensive clothes, a fancy car, and a huge mansion. Even though he came from modest roots, he has envisions for himself to become better than he is. 3. Tom’s presence and how it affected the atmosphere negatively is what makes this party seem different from the other …show more content…

First, Gatsby just wanted to meet her and show her around his house. By now, he’s spent a lot of time with Daisy and danced with her and he still isn’t satisfied. 7. Nick means that nothing will ever be the way it used to. People, things, and ideas change, for better or for worse. Gatsby, however, is so blinded by his dream that he can’t see that things will never be the way they were with Daisy five years ago. Gatsby wants to defeat the power of time so that he can achieve his dream of being with Daisy, exactly how they were five years ago. 8. What Gatsby means by that thought is that in that moment with Daisy, he felt like he could accomplish anything. With Daisy, he felt that life was wondrous and full of opportunity. Chapter VII 1. Nick refers to Gatsby as Trimalchio because the two share a couple of qualities. Both are rich, throw lavish parties, and are self-centered. While Gatsby may not be as self-centered as Trimalchio, the only reason he throws these parties is so that he can see Daisy again. 2. Daisy has an affectionate tone while saying “bles-sed pre-cious” to her daughter. It’s clear because Daisy is referring to Pammy as something precious to her. 3. The only thing Pammy is to Daisy is a something that she can show off to other people, almost like a trophy. This is clearly shown when Daisy immediately excuses Pammy after she’s done showing

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