
Eyewitness Testimony : An Important Area Of Research

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Eyewitness testimony is a legal term and refers to an account given by people that they have witnessed. For example, an individual may be required to give a description at a trial of a robbery or a road accident someone has seen (Simply Psychology, 2009). This includes, but isn’t limited to, identification of perpetrators and details of the crime scene. Eyewitness memory is a form of episodic memory; episodic memories are memories of past events that are situated in a specific time and place (Thorley, 2013). Furthermore, having participant’s study and recollect stimuli such as word lists, stories, and mock crimes can help assess episodic memory.
Furthermore, eyewitness testimony is an important area of research in cognitive psychology and human memory. Juries tend to pay close attention to eyewitness testimony and generally find it a reliable source of information (Simply Psychology, 2009). However, research into this area has found that eyewitness testimony can be affected by many psychological factors like emotional retelling, emotional content and self-relevancy, and sleep quality, which in fact can cause error within the testimony. According to the American Psychological Association, one in three eyewitnesses make erroneous identification. Accordingly, information that’s retaliated post the event, supplied by the police, prosecutors, media, other eyewitnesses, family, and friends can alter not only an eyewitness’s memory of the crime but also the eyewitness’s memory of

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