
External Mechanisms Of Accountaability

Decent Essays

Describe at least two internal and two external mechanisms of accountability:

Internal Mechanism of accountability; “ COMPSTAT, Which stands for computer driven statistics has been has been describe as goal oriented strategic management process that uses computer technology, operational strategy and managerial accountability to structure the manner in which a police department provides crime-central service.” (ACCOUNTABILITY police). Those in leadership positions are held accountable for addressing problems within their area of geographic responsibility. COMPSTAT is meant to promote accountability through the focused used data in police staff meeting. Commander during the COMPSTAT meeting must justify their decision and are held accountable for solving the problems that is affecting the areas under their command. In each district crime is broken down and analyzed by type of crime to identify the place of occurrence data can tell the time of day, day of week, and week of the year the crime occurred. Information is displayed on maps about current crimes activities and the previous month’s. “COMPSTAT is one of the most important innovation in police accountability.” (Walker-Katz page, 464). Supervision, accountability is the key to …show more content…

Police chiefs are held accountable for any problems within their department. Service contract was develop to hold police accountable for any misconduct in the department. Accountability and the police behavior being closely viewed by the civilian review boards and by the courts will continue to act as a venue for debating and establishing standards for the police departments. “The judicial branch is an important but indirect part of the political process. Courts at all levels of government play some role in holding the police accountable.” (Walker-Katz; page

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