
External Influences On Gender Identity

Decent Essays

I have always identified with the sex I was born with but I have never analyzed what aspects have made me who I am. Many internal and external sources I has shaped my identity. External factors such as family, toys and peers have affected my gender identity. Many external factors have been chosen for me before I was able to make my own decisions. My mother is one of six daughters. By the time she was 20 she had two daughters of her own. At the age of 39 she had her final child, another daughter. Growing up I was the youngest of three daughters. My sisters being 22 and 20 years older than I made me an only child for the most part. Being in a family ran by women I was raised to see that woman are just as capable as men. My mom became a single mother at a young age when my sisters were born and shortly after I was born she became a single mother once again. After my fifth birthday I became a child of divorce. Every Tuesday and Thursday and every other weekend it was court ordered that I would spend time with my father until my 18th birthday. For 13 years I suffered from severe anxiety because of his emotional abuse and bad temper. It was not until the day I graduated from high school that the anxiety was lessened because I have not seen him since. Although he was present in my life he never played the role of a parent. He payed child …show more content…

I was taught that black people are mean, criminals, and that they are a problem to society. It was not until late middle school when I began forming my own positive opinions and experiences with black people that deferred me from the ideas I had been raised around. Alike to other races such as those who come from the middle east who are usually perpetuated as evil trouble makers I was always convinced by the world around me that those stereotypes were deemed true until experiences later in my life proved

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