
External Factors And External Influences In An Organization

Good Essays

6. External influences
External influences or external factors are the issues that are out of the business control. there are several external factors in an organization that may bring major effects, for my case the factors that may affect me are as follows;
Competition- in Oman, a lot of fitness centers are available and they are well established and known, to me it might be a great risk or it as well might take me time to gain a lot of clients. since gyms are in high demand, a lot of people open up different centers in different areas of Muscat.
Economy- the economy of the country may have a great impact on the business. the fall of GDP will affect a lot of people, unemployment rate will increase which will eventually decrease the amount of customers in our centre, since people will not be able to afford paying for the services.

P2 under this criteria, I shall elucidate on how to identify the target …show more content…

therefore when questionnaires are being prepared, the company needs to make sure that the questions being provided to the clients are clear and straight forward, they should let the interviewees aware if its open or closed questions.
For my case, I shall prepare open questions to the people for my research because due to that I will be able to know different opinions, likes and dislikes about different people regarding my business. this way, I will be able to follow steps that my clients are expecting to have and that way I will be having a good communication with them as well as pulling them closer. but if I give them closed questions with limited answers, some may just respond in a fake way and if I don’t put any in consideration then I might lose many people for my business since I did not consider them at all.
Hence, our clients and external environment should be our priority.

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