
Expository Essay On The Novel 'Hiroshima'

Satisfactory Essays

Hiroshima Expository Essay
The development stage in which we learn the most is when we are adolescents. As we learn and grow, we also make mistakes that we learn from. If we learn to help others as a child we can incorporate that knowledge into our future communities and we will be able to help it grow. The people we have in our communities that help others are the ones who support the community are the ones who help them grow the most. In the Novel “Hiroshima” by John Hersey, Dr. Terufumi Sasaki the “twenty-five year old that had just completed his training at the Eastern Medical University , in Tsingtao, China” (Hersey 13) , is a very strong example of how we can help others. In his previous years he had gone to medical school to learn

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