
Essay about Exposing The Irony of McCarthyism

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Both The Crucible and “Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” agree with the hypocrisy and lack of sense that the time called the Red Scare or McCarthyism began, fed and ended. The Crucible uses the Salem Witch Trials as an allegory to show this side of the Red Scare while Bob Dylan uses an obvious sarcasm to show his point of view. Both Bob Dylan and Arthur Miller expose the irony of the time period called McCarthyism. The Crucible was written to show people living during the Cold War how ridiculous their thoughts, actions and beliefs were. The sense of panic inspired by the accusations of one girl were very similar to that of the time when Senator McCarthy began claiming that he had evidence that certain people were Communists. For both …show more content…

Unfortunately, the girls had so much support and the town was in such a fervor that Hale’s comments were ignored just as much as the accused. For the Wisconsin Senator, people were so afraid of communism and the Soviet Union that they too lost all sense of reality. Also, in both situations, people used the panic for their own personal gain since the accused were either ostracized or killed. Thomas Putnam’s attempts to accrue land from the accused are similar to the Senator’s use to further his career by increasing his credibility and opening jobs in positions above him. Abigail personally used it to escape punishment for dancing in the woods and in an attempt to get with John Proctor. In conclusion, Arthur Miller’s play served as an allegory for the time period known as the Red Scare. Bob Dylan’s song, “Talkin’ John Birch Paranoid Blues” also helps to display the outrageous events that occurred during Joseph McCarthy’s rampage against false communism. The song exposes the paranoia that everyone was a communist and that “facts” and “evidence” were made up to feed into this theory. There was a sense that the capital crime was to be a communist. This is so accepted that Bob Dylan implies that even though Hitler killed six million Jews, he would be considered a better person than the Communists. How did people know that Hitler wasn’t a Communist? Because he killed them (Communists)

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