
Explaining The Role Of Sleep Paralysis In Mythology

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In ancient times, science was not as developed nor was there technology like we have today. Science has evolved over the years and has helped manifest explanations for everyday occurrences. However, a lack of these justifications leads people into creating these extraordinary tails and myths to help provide explanations for what they did not comprehend. Sleep paralysis is an exemplary event that caused an uproar and a pinnacle moment in the culture of myths. It is an occurrence that had no proper scientific explanation which lead to the conception of grotesque tails that haunted people for centuries and still do today. Myths are defined as traditional stories, especially, concerning the early history of people creating explanations for some natural, social phenomena, and usually involves supernatural events. In this case, sleep paralysis was an unexplained phenomena and it still has some mysterious aspects today. Furthermore, myths were created about sleep paralysis to help create an explanation, but these myths include …show more content…

Their myths and tails have become more ritualistic and religious. They have emulsified a whole new world of gods and goddess. Edith Hamilton wrote a superb book, Mythology, which describes all the mythological stories in detail. People could not find answers for daily happenings or any natural occurrences and these gods, goddesses, and heroes were able to become a representation and explanation for these occurrences. For example, Demeter was the Greek goddess of corn and harvest. Hades ,the ruler of the underworld, kidnapped Persephone, Demeter’s daughter, to become his wife. Thus, Demeter lies in mourning due to her daughter’s kidnapping for four months of the year, leaving all the fields barren and in famine. This myth helped explain the lack of growth in the field for four months of the year, causing there to be a shortage in crops and leaving Greek and Roman cities in

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