
Explain Why Was It Necessary To Intervene In A Conflict

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2 Why was it necessary to intervene in the situation? On patrol serving as a special constable I was called to a male that was feeling suicidal and saying he was going to kill himself. On arrival I was met by a young male who I could see was clearly and obviously distressed and emotionally upset. He said he was troubled and confused and had an urge to kill himself. It was clearly necessary for me to intervene in the situation to keep him safe and ascertain if he had done anything to himself prior to arrival, e.g. legal overdose or taken drugs. (93) Why was it necessary to encourage the person to view the issue more positively? It was necessary for me to encourage the male to value himself more positively and make him focus on the positive side of his situation, therefore making his mental state improve. Being very understanding and paying attention to what he said as I was there to …show more content…

The main consideration was how and when to get the correct help for him immediately and in the future. I had to supply him with the support he needed once I had left making it clear to him that help I would get him would have a positive effect on his situation and his wellbeing. I also had to consider if he would do harm to himself or get him treated straight away, making sure he did not come to further harm. This was rectified by calling the ambulance service. (90) What was particularly good or effective about how you encouraged the person to view the issue more positively? There were a number of good and effective things that came from encouraging the male to see the issue more positively, but the main one was getting him to accept help for his problems. When I first started talking to him, he did not want help of any kind. I managed to turn his feelings and thoughts into more positive ones so he could focus on the future more clearly and not dwell on mistakes in the past.

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