The driving age should not be tampered with and raised to 21. Raising the driving age to 21 will introduce numerous of problems for parents and young teens that are working , social events ,and also school activities have Teens should should be eligible to drive when they received a work permit or have proven to parents that they are trustworthy and enough to take on the responsibility of driving. Taking away the driving privilege away from teens will also take away the chance for them to experience the responsibilities of growing up. Allowing a 16 year old and up can also be seen as a way for teens to take on responsibilities as and adults because driving is already a privilege so being a teen will make the fact that driving is a privilege paramount and it will help them to be more mature to keep the privilege. …show more content…
They will be able to help out more with things like going to the grocery store , picking up their younger siblings or driving to places for themselves so there parents can handle other things they have on their agenda or even get rest for the long day they have ahead of them . Most kids out in the country may have to drive to get to there school or social events mabe even their friends house. Another example could be that some people have a lot of siblings so parents have to run from place to place to picking up and dropping off their children. A solution to their problem may be allowing their teen to start using the driving privilege they will be able to help out parents and go places for them self without having to stress their parents by having them run from place to place
Teenagers in America have lots of responsibilities and places to be like their jobs and school. In July of 2015 over 20.3 million 16-24 year olds were employed. If those teens below age 18 or 21 weren’t allowed to drive, that makes their job even harder than they already are.
However, they said that it helps out their family out big time, they can drive to school and have a better chance of making there on time, they need to drive at a young age so they have more experience because no one is naturally experienced at anything. One friend really surprised me and said that it shows their parents that he or she can be responsible on their own out in the world. Besides asking friends, FOX news also had some stories about it. Some people said that way too many people think teens cannot drive because they act like children or do not fully understand driving yet, however, you got a huge portion of older adults texting and driving, driving under the influence, speed in small areas.For example, last Thursday, I was walking to the bus and a middle age man in a SUV sped up super fast right adjacent to me and almost killed me, so there, adults can do the same exact things teens can do.
Looking at the past and considering what is best for the government and nation, there should be a federal law raising the driving age to 18 to reduce car
I understand that individuals want the driving age to be raised. Sixteen-year-olds can be very irresponsible and immature. There are also the safety concerns that can happen, for example, car crashes. However, I believe that the age requirement to drive should stay the same. Teens get the freedom they have been wanting. Teens are able to get jobs to help save up for college. Teens can also learn the responsibilities that come with driving or owning a vehicle. Therefore, what I am trying to say is sixteen-year-olds are responsible enough to
Therefore, if anything the minimum driving age should be raised to 18. One of the major differences between older driver and teen drivers is that teens are much more deadly drivers. This is another reason why the minimum driving age should be raised. For example, researchers with the Insurance
The driving age should be raised because the most likely ages to be involved in an accident are between sixteen and nineteen. The younger the teenager is the higher risk a person is to be in a crash. The reason for this is because of not being mature enough or not a lot of practice. “Those who are most at risk are males, teen driving with teen passengers, and newly license teens” stated National Graduated Driver Licensing. Males usually have a higher risk to be in a crash because they are not mature enough and want to show off to all the girls. They sometimes don’t like to wear seatbelts and when they get into a crash, they won’t survive the
Teens are turning 16 and now it's time for everyone to get there license and some get their permit. I feel like the driving age should not be raised because once we are older then we will be more scared to get on the road and drive. From my perspective, I feel scared to drive even though i have my permit, its really difficult for me to get on the freeway. Our permit is a way for us to learn and as we grow wiser we will be mature and take driving as a responsibility. As we grow mature we are able to get the license so we can be out and become conscious of our actions.
The legal driving age is 16 for most states in the U.S. Experts say that most fatal car crashes are caused from drivers who are too young or drunk. They say 16 year olds lack the maturity and are more likely to be distracted while driving. However, many think that teenagers should be able to have the freedom to drive themselves to the movies and to their friends house. Parents also say it would be very good for their child to get a car so they wouldn’t have to drive their child and their friends every where. Parents have to go to work, not chauffeur their child everywhere.
The driving age should resume to stay at 16, because high school is the time you need to start learning how to be independent as a young adult. This teaches the young adults at an early age, really big responsibilities that they will need to learn also in the long run. There will be times that you won't have anyone to drive you to a certain place that you need to be based on circumstances. By the time you are 18, you are considered an adult by then. If you are just learning to drive, how are you suppose to be comfortable going places without being afraid to be in an accident or cause an accident, because you never drove before? Raising the driving age won't save lives. It's inexperience, not age, that causes accidents. Raising the driving
In recent days, an auto safety group has brought light to the idea that the driving age should be raised to the age of 18, I believe this would do our country a great deal of service in effective safety measures. In 2011, about 2,650 teens were killed in motor vehicles meaning that around 7 teens per day were dying in crashes(CDC). The alarming rate of deaths by teenagers in car accidents is something that can be properly stopped with more preparation before taking their drivers exam. I believe that this measure should be put into law to effectively help our nations youth's safety.
Although teenagers and kids need a mode of transportation, the driving age should be raised because teens need to train and practice more, there are many distractions in the car such as phones, and young adults are very immature and sometimes hormones cloud their vision. One thing that changing the age would do
The big debate as to whether the legal driving age should be raised to eighteen is an ongoing issue. There are both arguments for and against this matter. Younger drivers, as well as old ones, can cause many life-threatening accidents; therefore, raising the minimum driving age could significantly reduce the number of accidents. The accident rates can be lowered considerably if the legal driving age is bumped up to eighteen. This would mean that no more kids could get hurt or worse, killed in a car accident.
So as a responsible law abiding licensed driver I must say yes we need to raise the driving age to 18 and lower the speed limit for all drivers to
If the teenage driving age gets brought up to 18, we face two problems. One being they won’t gain experience driving. Number two, parents are going to get more pressure put on them to take their under-aged children everywhere.
The reason why they should lower the driving age is because many teens tend to start getting jobs and its hard to find transportation. Some teens