
Explain Why Should Teachers Be Concerned About Children's Health And Well-Being

Decent Essays

Why should teachers be concerned about children’s health and well-being? Teachers should be concerned about children’s health and well-being because it is responsibility of a teacher to ensure and to promote children’s health and safety. According to the textbook, when children are healthy and well nourished, they are able to benefit from participation in learning experiences. It portrays than children can participate actively in their academics and indoor and outdoor activities if they have a good and healthy status. Teachers may notice any behavior changes to anything that is suspicious to children’s health and they will take an action. 2. Why should families be involved in the daily health check process? How can you involve families in the process? …show more content…

It will also be an opportunity to build relationship and trust with teachers in order to discuss any improvements and changes they need about the children. Families and teachers can help and work together as a partner in order to meet children’s needs. 3. Why all information about a child’s health is considered confidential and must be protected? All information about a child’s health should be considered confidential in order to protect a child’s identity. According to the textbook, this information must never be released to another individual or organization without first obtaining written parental permission. I agree that they should consent the parents first because we may never know that parents would not allow to release their children’s health. Families have different views or opinions whether they would want to expose it or not, so we should respect it. 4. What would you do if you noticed a bruise or cut on a child when they arrive into your

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