
Explain Why Schools Should Not Extend School Hours

Decent Essays

Students get up every day at 6:30 to get ready in time, then leave for the bus, stay at school for ~7 hours, get home around 3:45, and then get to their own lives. Other students might stay at the school until 4:30 or later for extracurricular activities or study time. Others still go to play and practice sports. With all this busyness, students become tired and need time to relax. If schools were to add more class periods to the day, then students wouldn’t have time for anything else in their life. Schools should not extend the school day by an hour or more.

At the end of the day, students want to go home and have time to relax or spend with friends. If there is an extra hour of school, their schedules will be filled up more. Assuming that this extra hour lasts from 3:19-4:04, added with the average bus ride of 20 minutes with, say, 6 minutes to get to the bus, then the students get home around 4:30. Trying to get homework done, dinner eaten, and having fun, and getting to bed at a good hour on weekdays will be next to impossible to do without ruining grades. Granting that students may stay up extra late to do all the things they want to do, the problem of tiredness during the day comes up. Doing this for a whole school year can really take a toll on a person’s mental and physical health. …show more content…

Without more time at home to study, they would fall behind and do worse in their classes. Falling behind in their classes, they won’t understand homework. Not understanding homework means that they can’t do well on tests. Doing worse and worse during tests and assignments will then lead to more and more failing students and Parkway will get an undesirable reputation. This of course is something that nobody would say is something Parkway wants, so why would they sow the seeds of their own

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