
Explain Why People Should Be Kind To Other People

Decent Essays

Why people should be kind to the different people around them. All over the world, there are different kinds of people. Big, small, smart, not as smart, young, old, disabled, not disabled and so on. When a person is different than the people around them the people do not understand the person. Instead of trying to learn about this person, however, the people will usually mock or make fun of them. Sometimes this can be caused by people actively trying to trying to be mean. Sometimes it can also be caused by an action a person may think is being nice and is unaware that the action is not nice to a large amount of people. Some people say things that sound rude without knowing how they sounds to others. Sometimes a person may believe that certain acts that are not appropriate when done to who they believe is a normal person, are very kind acts when done to “special people” and most of the time, …show more content…

Many people who are different do not want to be any closer to you then you do of them. Some people even experience things like social anxiety. Social anxiety is more common than most people realize and it is esspelly common with people who have autism. As stated about a man with Asperger's syndrome named Aaron Likens "he was comfortable only in unchanging situations. School was a nightmare with screaming kids and unpredictable outbursts all around him. Although he had an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 158, he had poor grades because he often avoided class... Likens was always afraid of social interaction, unscripted casual conversation in which he did not know what he was supposed to say." (Contemporary Authors Online) Not everyone can just roll with conversation. Sometimes if a person doesn't respond to a speaker it is because that person is uncomfortable. Therefore if the speaker keeps talking after they see that the person is uncomfortable then the speaker becomes

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