
Explain Why It Is Hard To Break Up Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Why Is It That Hard To Let Go After A Breakup? No matter, how many times you and your man fight, when the time comes for you to end the relationship, you feel as though you have lost a part of you. It is difficult to cope with this situation, and the painful inner conflict that your heart is going through makes it even worse. Your brain tries in vain to convince your heart that there was a good reason for the breakup, and it is time to look ahead and forget the past. But, your heart turns a blind eye to all the good reasons, and only cries for a reunion with your other half.

At this stage, the burning question "is it worth trying to get my ex-boyfriend back?" Never leaves you in peace. However, to make your task easy answering that question, …show more content…

When we look at things long enough we can see things that escaped us at first glance; along the same vein when you look at your relationship after the breakup you are bound to identify, without any difficulty, what led you and your ex to end up apart from each other.

Do you and your ex fight consistently? If that's the case, then consider another way to handle the problems in the relationship without resorting to fight. Communication in this case is the best choice to adapt. Communication not only solves the problems within the relationship, but also it nurtures a deep feeling of intimacy within the couple.

If the reason behind the breakup was that your boyfriend cheated on you, then you need to be wary of giving him another chance to hurt you again. He did it once and he can do it again. Even though he may be showing his regret and offering his fidelity all over again, don't jump too quickly into the conclusion of reuniting with him again. Let the time show you how far he is honest about his claims because actions speak louder than

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