
Explain What Trick Does Huck Play On Jim

Satisfactory Essays

1. What trick does Huck play on Jim? Huck tells jim that everything that had just happened was all a dream 2. Why doesn't Huck turn in Jim? He would feel just as bad even if he turned Jim in. To keep jim was the most handy thing to do. 3. Why don't the slave hunters get Jim? Huck told the hunters that the man was his pap, and he had smallpox so the men got scared to catch it and left them alone. 4. Explain the differences between Huck and the hunters. The hunters wanted to catch the runaway slaves but Huck protected Jim instead of turning him in. 5. What is the bad luck in Chapter 16? Their boat floated away, they blamed it on the snake skin from the chapters before. 6. How does Huck get to the Grangerfords? He swims to the shore

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