What time do you think school should start? It could be earlier, later, or stay at the same time. I believe that school should stay at the same time.
If school starts earlier it would be way too dark outside. Even thought buses have headlights they could still get in accidents from having less light to see in. If there is ice outside we cant see it in the dark so the light allows us to see the ice. Also when its light out we are more likely to get up because of how bright it is. Starting earlier doesn't allow us tome before school for activities.
If school started later we would get out much later. Getting out later means there is less time for after-school activities. When we get home we would have less time to eat and get everything
Think about this, you wake up at 8:00 am and start school at 9:00 am. Awesome right? Wrong! According to the article, “Should School Start Later,” “Not everyone is in favor of earlier start times. Many school districts say they would present big challenges.”
If you want better grades and more sleep, school should start later. Many schools are considering early start times. In fact, at least three schools in Maine are considering starting school later. Middle and high schools should start later because students and parents would be less tired and because children would be able to play outside when the sun is out.
School days should start later in the day because there are many benefits to doing so. Such as improved grades, Test scores, and safer roads because teens won’t be as drowsy if they sleep 8 plus hours.
First of all, schools should not start later because that would mean that they would
If we start school later then kids test scores will increase, they wont fall asleep in class and they would get the appropriate amount of sleep. According to upfrontmagazine.com, nNew research suggests that later high school starts have widespread benefits. Sleep experts at the university of Mminnesota studied eight high schools before and after the moved to later start times. They found that the later start time, the better off students were on measures like mental health, car crash rates, attendance, and in some schools, grades and standerized test scores. This is an accurate example because it comes from sleep experts at the university of minnesota that have actually studied this topic. With later starting time you’ll have more time to sleep and will be able to pay attention in class so you can get that good grade.
First of all, kids will be more energized and be more academically advanced if school starts are pushed back. According to, “Should School Start Later” “Studies show that well rested teens get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and miss fewer days of school. They also have a lower risk of being in car accidents and have fewer health problems such as depression, mood changes, and being overweight.” Many schools start before 7:45 a.m. and have tired students not putting forth their best efforts while 40 percent of American High Schools start classes past 8 a.m. The schools with later starts
One reason should start later is it helps you get better grades and be more alert. “Schools that have pushed start times to 8am, or later have seen promising results. Students are more alert and there are fewer incidents of tardiness.”(20) says Justin O’Neill, author of “Should School Start Later?”. Also, if school started later we would get more sleep.
Another reason why school shouldn't start later is because kids do sports and after school clubs. The time they get out will affect sports and after school clubs. An example of my claim is, when students have sports or clubs they get home later than most kids because they are there longer. So this means that the kids will be more tired when they get home, but you have to realize they also have homework to do too. “Because the school days would end later, many feared this change would affect practices and events such as sports matches.”
I disagree,and I think school should not start later because it can run into millions,it cuts into after school clubs, and sports, and it cuts into time for homework. If school did decide to run late, it could push prices higher up the board for schools. Money is what runs this world. If the schools have to pay for everything,the school would have to be shut down because the would have no money to pay the workers so everyone would quit and it would be a mess.
Schools around the world have problems considering starting times. Many parents and teachers enjoy the time schools begin and are in love the fact that schools get out earlier. I for one, believe that school hours should be pushed back for the benefit of the students. If students and teens were able to go to school later, their learning opportunities and attentiveness would raise significantly.
School should not start later because the school day wouldn’t end until mid-afternoon, it promotes laziness in children and potential jobs require you to get up early for
But if kids manage their time to study and sleep this would not happen and school can start regularly. Therefor if schools had later start times better grades could start for some kids. It would mean less teens get in car wrecks and missing school because they are in hospital. Kids might even study more to get thoses better grades too.
We have all have those days where getting out of bed for school can be a huge battle. Well, to be fair, it's the worst you don’t feel like being proactive and getting to school. As children grow older and they move to different schools from elementary to junior high to high school the start times just get earlier. With school starting, early teen now have not got enough sleep that is needed for their age. School should start later in the morning so that kids are able to improve their daily performances, to be able to understand and take in the knowledge that is being taught to them, and able to get the right amount of sleep that is needed. The benefits of school starting have such a major impact on students, so the question is are with the idea of school starting later?
Have you ever wondered about the effects that would be brought if school started later? At the moment, school clearly begins too early. This is a problem that is unquestionably bringing negative affects to many students. Many schools throughout the country are addressing this problem by considering school schedule changes including later start times for middle and high schools. Research indicates there are unfavorable effects to current school schedules, as well as well as positive effects to delayed start times. To best meet the needs of teens, school should start later.
First of all, I think schools should start later. They should start later because it shows improvement in the way students perform throughout the day. A study at the US Air Force Academy showed students that started classes