The three things that initially motivated me to start college more than anything else were my children, myself, and my siblings. My children are my main motivation and reasons I decided to start college. They have been my driving force behind everything or goal I have set for myself. I myself love a challenge and, always try to convince myself that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. In addition I would say is my siblings. They have not always been helpful of me whenever it came to my goals. They never thought I could go any further than high school. I know my kids are watching at how I handle myself while I am in
Theodore Roosevelt said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” A college education will give me the knowledge needed to do what I would of hoped to achieve in the first place. In my case, college will prepare me by giving me the tools needed to become successful in the classroom. This will better my knowledge when applying myself in real life situations. I am attending college in hopes to better my education, reach my culinary goals and experience the college life.
To run a business I would need at a minimum a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. However, most people go on to also get a MBA, (Master’s of Business Administration). To obtain these degrees it would take me about six years. For, a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, I would have to spend four years at a university. To receive an MBA, I would have to move onto graduate school and spend two years there.
After four years of high school, there is only one goal I have in mind. That goal is to attend college. This is the next big step in my life. All the late nights I stayed up to complete school assignment was for this moment. All my hard work was has lead me to this point in life. College will open a whole new to me. A world where I can meet new people while working to improve my future. Why do I want to attend college though? Well I have three specific reasons for this decision.
There might be a time where people ask you, “why are you in college” or “why to decide to go to college.” People might reply by saying that they want a degree, that they want a higher paying job, or they need that for a future career that they are pursuing. Those responses are the most typical reason of why people go to college. Sure you can say that having a degree means that a person can get a better job with better pay rather than working in the manual labor fields with minimum pay. A college degree is the fundamental stepping stone to the future, it lays the foundation of where to start. College is everything to me; I’m in college so I’m able to unlock more potential in myself, to be able to make my mother proud with everything that she has done and hopefully becoming the first.
I decided to go to college because I believe that education is an important part of life and that being educated has many advantages. Like many, one of the biggest reasons for deciding to attend college is to create a better future for myself. Being a first-generation college student my parents have implanted on me the importance of college education, as it is something they wish they would have done themselves. As the first of four children to go to college, I feel that it is my responsibility to be a good example to my younger siblings, and show them that it is important to have goals in life and to better yourself as a person through education. I understand that an university education may not be for everyone, but it felt like the right choice for me. What I hope to get out of college is a life-changing experience, not only to get a better education, but to find something I am truly passionate about. I think it is important when choosing a career or a major to find something your heart truly wants and not just a career that will make you able to afford expensive things. I also hope that somewhere along the path to graduation and adulthood, I find myself as a person and develop ideas, opinions, and to be able to approach the world with an
Education has been around for many centuries, but recently in the past 150 to 200 years literacy has changed. College comes after receiving the basic educational skills in middle school and high school. It has been debated continuously whether continuing education to college is quite necessary, or if it is just a complete waste of time. Many compare and contrast this topic because college can be expensive and time consuming. College education can improve one’s life for the good however, college is not for everyone.
What motivates me to go to college is my teenage daughter. She is my inspiration to better myself and my family .We has been through a lot in the last 10 years and this motivates me to better myself and my family.
Noted authors, Brandon Chambers, is quoted saying, “If you are going to fear anything fear success. Think about what you are doing and when you succeed what life you will have.” There are several different reasons why I could stay home, work and not go to college; I could go to work every day and make more money for the house, it’s easier, and I would be less stressed. Now, on the other hand there are many reasons why I should go to school; such as further my education, make my family proud, and make myself proud. I am attending college for several different reasons. One reason is to further my education. I hate feeling like I don’t know something, I like being the person everyone comes to for information. Also, because I want to
I come from a low-income family with a household of eight people. I have my dad, my six siblings, and my mother passed away a few years ago. As a first-generation college student I felt so many emotions. I came from a high school that didn’t prepare me for college courses and that became a problem. What made it worse was that my dad didn’t go to college, so I couldn’t go to him for help. I was scared, depressed, unprepared, I was doing everything on my own. I also felt like I didn’t belong because I believed I wasn’t as smart as the other students or “rich” enough. When I first arrived at UC Davis, I was immediately intimidated. All of the other students seemed so educated and professional and I just compared myself to them without even getting to know them. Let me tell you, getting here wasn’t easy and I know it wasn’t easy for you either, so feel accomplished. You made it! Now that you’re in UC Davis, you will be expected to work hard. Times may get rough, but just remember that help is out there. Take advantage and don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek help.
“What college are you going to attend in the Fall?” “What will your major be?” What do you want to be when you grow up?” These three questions have come up in some shape or form as I was going through the college process my Junior and Senior years of high school. My answers were: “Whatever school gives me the most money. Biology. Pediatrician.” But can I answer all of these questions definitively now? Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that, I can definitively say: “I attend Macaulay Honors College and Queens College.”
as Independent and balanced as well as hard working. I attend school as a part time student for the time being and work a full time job to support myself on my own. As a Nutrition major I plan to transfer to Texas State next fall because they offer one of the best nutrition programs in state. I have reached this point through not only hours of hard work, studying, and many sleepless nights; but through the help and support of those around me.
After high school, i plan on going to college, I wish to go to Brigham Young University - Idaho. Brigham Young University Idaho has a program called Pathway that is college courses online for 1 year. It will reduce the amount of the credit’s price to almost half the price. I am going to go to college and my major will be related to English, and I will minor in creative writing. I want to become a publisher, or editor, for either scripts or young adult fiction books.
What three things initially motivated me to start college; for starters I would say I’m the only sibling in the family who has yet to earn a college degree. Both my siblings earned their respective college degree later on in age. Secondly, while completing a job application, I realized the highest level of education I completed was “High School”. This was inexcusable, I knew if motivated I could rearrange my schedule, restructure all my extracurricular activities, buckle down and earn my degree. Lastly, the biggest motivational reason lies in the personal challenge to myself. Similarly, as a parent, knowing the importance of education I should lead by example, especially since working in the civil engineering field. I readily have access to
Growing up is not an easy thing to do. When you are young, you really do not understand the consequences of your actions. In my younger days, I really had no direction. I come from a small town economically sustained by a nearby Air Force base. My mom never graduated high school. While my father did, he never went to college. He joined the military at a young age and retired from the service.
For many, after graduating high school the next big step is college. I never asked myself why or if I even wanted to. Yet, since I was not yet ready to join the work force, and didn’t want to disappoint my parents, I simply followed the path that I was supposed to take. For a while I had no direction, but through the loss of my high school English teacher and my dream of making my family proud, I discovered that college was the place I wanted and needed to be.