
Explain What Is Meant By The Title 'A New Adam'

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From the video, what is meant by its title “A New Adam”?
As the British colonists came to America, many of them were seeking religious freedom. It was obvious that their old philosophies would not survive unchanged in the new world. While many still held on to their Anglican beliefs, new religious groups (Protestants, Puritans, Pilgrims) sprang up with the desire for religious change.
In this new reformation of religious beliefs, many felt that they ultimately had control over their own spiritual awakening. This was a new concept! Stephen Marini, Historian of Religion from Wellesley College said: “The spirit is the absolute empowerment of my individuality, so my individual choice is not just an option; it is a divinely mandated course of action.”
This was the story of Americas struggle from an old religion to a new one. Just as Adam was the first man to fill the world with ideas…the colonists had the same zeal to fill this new world with a new set of rules concerning their relationship with God.
What is something new you learned from this video?
One thing that I learned was how much those in authority feared and distrusted any message that gave an individual power over their own religious experience.
The story of …show more content…

This is the very reason the first amendment was added to the Constitution. This is the reason that Elder Robert D. Hales said: “As we walk the path of spiritual liberty in these last days, we must understand that the faithful use of our agency depends upon our having religious freedom.” This is the reason that we are able to attend a religious university, where prayers are still offered, the Bible and Book of Mormon are its textbooks, and we can worship our God “according to the dictates of our own conscience.” (Articles of Faith

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