From the video, what is meant by its title “A New Adam”?
As the British colonists came to America, many of them were seeking religious freedom. It was obvious that their old philosophies would not survive unchanged in the new world. While many still held on to their Anglican beliefs, new religious groups (Protestants, Puritans, Pilgrims) sprang up with the desire for religious change.
In this new reformation of religious beliefs, many felt that they ultimately had control over their own spiritual awakening. This was a new concept! Stephen Marini, Historian of Religion from Wellesley College said: “The spirit is the absolute empowerment of my individuality, so my individual choice is not just an option; it is a divinely mandated course of action.”
This was the story of Americas struggle from an old religion to a new one. Just as Adam was the first man to fill the world with ideas…the colonists had the same zeal to fill this new world with a new set of rules concerning their relationship with God.
What is something new you learned from this video?
One thing that I learned was how much those in authority feared and distrusted any message that gave an individual power over their own religious experience.
The story of
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This is the very reason the first amendment was added to the Constitution. This is the reason that Elder Robert D. Hales said: “As we walk the path of spiritual liberty in these last days, we must understand that the faithful use of our agency depends upon our having religious freedom.” This is the reason that we are able to attend a religious university, where prayers are still offered, the Bible and Book of Mormon are its textbooks, and we can worship our God “according to the dictates of our own conscience.” (Articles of Faith
In British North American colonies prior to 1700, colonies in different areas tolerated religious freedom differently; in general, New England colonies had strict religion rules, Southern colonies had an established religion but tolerated religious freedom to an extent, and the Middle colonies readily accepted religious freedom.
Colonial America was a time of great change and discovery. The era was a time of conflict between people’s secular desires as innovation boomed and their spiritual growth as they discovered more about God and explored new religious ideas. In his essay, Worlds of Wonder in the Northern Colonies, David D. Hall accurately argues that despite the secular advances of the Colonial Era, religion was undoubtedly the most prevalent area of Americans’ focus because the power of God was being manifested into their lives in so many irrefutable ways.
Religious freedom was one of the main causes for English peoples to move to the New World. They escaped from the de-catholicization of the Church of England in order to believe in what they wanted to belive in. The government once again did not pay any heed to set an official religious set of rules in the colonies, therefore allowing the people to
One of the major causes for emigration from England to North America was religious persecution. Religious tolerance in Britain for other Christian sects besides the Anglican church was virtually nonexistent, resulting in many members of other sects to seek religious haven in the colonies. The vast majority of immigrants coming to New England were followers of
The start-up of the New England colonies were religious, as they were making a pilgrimage from England as the only acceptable religion in England at the time was Anglicanism and most of these settlers were English puritans. Even though they left England for religious reasons, most of the New England settlers would only allow religions closest to their own, in order to settle with them. There weren’t any specific groups yet, knowing the fact that most people in New England were poor until the 1700’s.
1647 to 1776 was a time of growth in America, during this time colonist emigrated from Europe to America for several reasons, such as the hope to find relief from the war and rebellion occupying Europe, the chance to find bigger farms to make money, and most of all the chance to have religious freedom (“The Thirteen American Colonies” n.d.). Religious freedom was a very important part of the colonists’ lives and culture. According to “Religion and the Founding of the American Republic”, between 1700 and 1740, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended churches, which were being built at a headlong pace.
The British and the French had distinctly different reasons for sending people to the New World. A vast unexplored dark continent , both nations hoped to discover and tap the land’s many resources. As they encountered Native tribes in their endeavors it became apparent that these reasons greatly influenced their interactions. The British Puritans and Quakers came to the New World to practice their religions freely and to acquire land to farm (After the Mayflower We Shall Remain - America Through Native Eyes.)
England had preached over to the American Colonists during the first half of the 18th Century. Unlike the huge, popular Puritan spirituality of the early 1700s, the revivalism prompted in by the Awakening
In the seventeenth century, religious persecution ran rampant throughout Europe. In attempt to escape the oppression, many fled to less critical countries and territories. One of the popular refuges was colonial America. Settling in the north, these religious refugees made up a majority in the New England population, endeavoring to use it to form their Ideal society. They could use the new land to implement a new civilization reflective of their beliefs.
During the seventeenth century, colonial America was welcoming many newcomers, several from England. Quantities of these newcomers were seeking land for economic purposes as others were longing for religious toleration. Many of the English colonists settled in the New England region for religious freedoms, to escape the English king, and leave adversaries of other religions behind. Settlers who resided in the Middle Atlantic region were affected differently. Although the Middle Atlantic was more
The New England colonists, except for Rhode Island, were predominantly Puritans who practiced very strict religious lives. The civil government in these colonies dealt quite harshly with those who dared to disagree with the Puritan church. People were being exiled for speaking out against Puritanism. They whipped baptists. They cropped, or cut off, the ears of Quakers. They even went as far as to hang Quaker missionaries. They did all of this in an order to proselytize and convert people to be Puritan.
Early Great Britain’s influence on the New World gave way for developing colonies. Being supportive of laws, the British passed on their methods of freedom to the Americas. The British believed that a crucial part of freedom was to obey a specific structure of laws, to be free was to be under government rule. Therefore, “British freedom celebrated the rule of the law, the right to live under legislation”. Furthermore, religion, specifically Christianity, also played an important role in the birth of America’s definition of freedom. Looking at freedom through a religious lens “ The Puritan settlers of colonial Massachusetts...believed their colony the embodiment of true Christianty, planted this spiritual definition of freedom on American soil”. The American definition of freedom was inspired by both these interpretations, the Puritan and the British.
Religion has been around since the discovery of America. Many European immigrants came to America to escape the traditions of the Church of England. The people wanted religious freedom. Most, however, tried to force their religious beliefs on the people who came to settle in their colonies creating a divide. It wasn’t until The Great Awakening, which started in the New England colonies, occurred that people rose up and revolted against the norms of religion and began to worship the way they wanted to. This divisive time period greatly impacted the American colonies by allowing true religious freedom to all the people.
A plan for some of the colonists moving to the New World was freedom of religion, such as the quakers (located in Pennsylvania) and pilgrims believed in the freedom of living off of your own specific religion. The puritans on the other hand, settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1629 , identified themselves as God’s chosen pure angels because of their belief that they were born saved into the world. They would also turn a blind eye to other denominations and focused on their church to be an Angelic Catholic Church specifically. Which of course if you know anything about their “home” back in Europe. That is their “main” denomination over in Britain and they do required everyone to believe in. The puritans brought over their beliefs from England not trying to make it into their own. For example in England they created various religious laws, that were put into place over from England but now the laws transferred into
New England’s motive to settle there was for freedom of religion due to being in England if they worshiped other religions not been the Church of England, consequences would be imprisonment, fees, discrimination, and even execution. They had two main religious established, Pilgrims and Puritans, been two different religions. Pilgrims were the first permanent settlers on New England.1