What does it mean to believe in something? Well I believe it is something that you just know and go with it.I believe in respect for everyone. I feel that if everyone had even a small amount of respect for people the world would have peace. I also believe that if people are to show some respect that it just might make someone’s day better if they were having a rotten day where no one has been listening to them, or cutting them off when they were driving. I know what you're thinking what if you don’t like a person because of a certain way they treated you. My answer is for you to give them the kind of respect that you would want them to give you and hope that it might help you out in the future when you meet up with that person again.
I also
Showing respect to someone means you act in a way that shows you care about their feelings and well-being. Showing respect for others include things like not calling people mean names, treating people with courtesy, caring enough about yourself that you don 't do things you know can hurt you. Respect must be earned, it cannot be ordered or demanded and, once gained, it can easily be destroyed. Respect can be something that is earned. Respect is often thought of as earned or built over time. Often, continued caring interactions are required to maintain or increase feelings of respect among individual
If you want others to give you respect, you must first learn how to give respect yourself. There is a lot of ways to respect a person or people, there are a lot of definitions to define respect: “To feel or show definite regard for; esteem. To avoid violation of or interference with: respect the speed limit. To relate or refer to; concern”. relation or reference, esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability, deference to a right, privilege, privileged position, or someone or something considered to have certain rights or privileges; proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment, the condition of being esteemed or honored, a formal expression or gesture of greeting, esteem, or friendship, favor or partiality. Another one is to respect their rules, feelings, their personal space or bubble. There are many other forms of respect. Respect is created in many ways. It is created when people treat others as they want to be treated. So the growth of something, such as respect, often nourishes itself from its own process and dynamics. Being the first to accord respect, and with time, it will develop amongst all the conflicting parties. Avoid insulting people or how they feel about certain situations. Instead try to understand them. Many disastrous interactions are characterized by attitudes
The text ‘Good and Bad Reasons for Believing’ is written by Richard Dawkins. It is an open letter which he wrote to his daughter, Juliet, when she turned ten and is part of his book, ‘A Devil’s Chaplain’. Dawkins feels his daughter is old enough now to not believe everything she is told blindly but should investigate what she is told to find out if it is true or not. This letter is also meant for theists and religious scholars whom Dawkins attacks in the letter. Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and author. It is worth mentioning due to the nature of the letter that he is an
I grew up in a Christian home and was baptized as an infant. And going to church every Sunday is a norm that we cherish in my household. Attending the mid and Sunday service was mandatory since my parents were very strict. Then I always feel excited attending the Sunday service and do not understand what it meant to be a Christian or believer. Those years, I always do everything that every non believer will do and do not understand what His sacrifice on the cross meant for me.
I was shown a story that i think helps to define respect. It is called Give Praise It Only Comes Back To You. “I”ll bet you don’t like to go without recognition when you’ve done something good. Nobody does! Everybody likes to be appreciated.
All human kind have beliefs, for children it could be Santa claus, Some teens believe in being treated as adults, and well some adults believe in providing their kids with the best and basic essential needs. But what does Belief really mean? An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists, something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction. trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.
As one of my characters counts respect means a lot to me, it hits a big impact on my life cause, that is how my parents taught us, me and my sister, to respect people. Respect for me has to be earned. To me when people walk up to me and treat me with respect, they earned my respect. I treat people with a lot of respect like my parents, my elders, my teachers, my coaches, everyone that has a big impact on my life earned
Respect looks like to me is that people should be nice to other, helping others, and being king to others. One person that we should respect is our parents because they respect us by taking care of us when we are sick ect…. And I should respect them by doing the same thing to them. Also, another person i should respect is my terchers because they help us threw thing we need help with ect…. And I should respect them by not talking back to them. Also we all should respect the Earth because if there is trash on the grown away and we dont pick the trash up. Its like we put the trash there but if we do pick up the trash we are like clining up the
What does it mean to believe? the dictionaries definition is “to have confidence in the existence of something without absolute proof.” I read this and the first thought that came to my head was, “wow that sounds a lot like the biblical definition of faith.” Hebrews 11:1 says “now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” And knowing this definition, I can clearly state that I have faith that God is always with me. I believe In God, but I’m going to talk about something more specific than that. Its about his son. I believe God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins.
No matter who the person is they should be respectful. Being respectful can pay off in many ways. Two ways that being respectful pays off are gains respect for that person and creates a good self-image. The golden rule says treat people the way you wouldd want to be treated. I would want to be treated with respect so I treat other people with respect. Overall, treating people with respect
We were always taught that you were to treat others with respect and they would do the same to you. We were always taught that as long as you tried you would do good. We were always taught that there were no bad people in school. But, not all people have the same definition of respect. Not all things will work out the way you want the first time and not everybody can be your friend.
The word of belief is someone’s feeling that something is surely true and right in his or her point of view; in other words, it means “conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence” (Merriam-Webster). Also, the word of agreement defines as “an act of agreeing,” or it is a situation when people have the same opinion (Merriam-Webster). These two words are a two-edged sword that means they basically have both advantages and disadvantages in themselves. They bring about an integration of people by which leading to a new society if people have the same beliefs and agreements. On the other hand, belief and agreement deeply contribute to a huge, difficult, and complicated arguing issue when two groups of people disagree with each other. One of the significant issues that have been disputed and argued since in the past is an abortion. A lot of people are deep in thoughts and pose a question about this problem that a woman should whether have a right to choose the abortion or not. And this question certainly indicates some different results in three groups. The first group of people mainly has a few percents of entire American populations who agrees that women have their own rights to choose abortion in the case of some dangerous risks, such as getting raped and being unhealthy. In addition, the second group of people is Pro-Life who insistently tries to abolish and to prevent any act of
What is faith? Faith is something different to everyone. If you asked a hundred different people, it is possible that you would get many diverse answers. Religious faith and non-religious faith are two very distinct terms. Faith holds an extremely complex meaning when discussing it in the context of religion. Faith is a belief. That holds true to every religious and non-religious person. Every faith involves a decision. It is not about what we claim to believe, but what we actually do believe, that is true faith. Throughout this paper, I am going to discuss Christian faith, how it pertains to daily life and Christianity as a whole. I also intend to delve into George W. Forell's discussion of Christian faith and analyze and
Respect is an important value to be taught when growing up. Through the years I have learned that in order to learn anything you must have respect for others. I have learned many valuable lessons from listening to my grandmother. She has told me many of her experiences, which has made me a better person. Having respect for other people has allowed me to be more open-minded and see qualities in people that most would not. I have always listened to what my friends and family has to say. That doesn’t always mean that I agree with them, but it is their opinion, so I respect it. In return I receive respect from them. As people begin to respect me more their trust in me also grows.
Firstly, The Shining provides a pessimistic outlook of the dichotomous relationship between belief and knowledge in relation to deontology. As Malory Nye details, Robert Tonkinson observes a clear divide between religiosity and belief. What an external observer may classify as a “belief” may be “commonsensical” to a religious follower (Nye 2008, 122). As a result, religious belief can become “an explanation in itself” (Nye 2008, 117). In The Shining, Jack and Wendy represent opposing points of view on the issue. Furthermore, Wendy does not understand Jack’s beliefs, but Jack considers them a form of knowledge; Wendy’s inability to agree with him causes significant conflict between the two. Wendy merely sees Jack going mad because of what she thinks are his beliefs about the hotel. Wendy even outright proclaims her confusion when Jack asks her why she wants to go back to her room in the midst of a debate. However, to Jack, the occurrences in the hotel are facts. They predicate the actions which drive Jack to the violence he commits throughout the film, and are thus a basis for his deontology. Thus, the religious “commonsensical” knowledge Jack possesses works in tandem with his deontological views to make him a violent threat to everyone that does not share his abilities. This provides a clear display of the way The Shining negatively portrays the effect extreme religious values and deontology have on a human’s psychology.