
Explain What Can Occur While On Benzo's For A Long Period Of Time

Satisfactory Essays

I would explain to my client what can occur while on benzo’s for a long period of time. I would explain to her that for their best interest that we need to start slowly taking them off the pill. I would explain to my client that after a certain period of time benzo’s are not always effective. Take anxiety, for example, symptoms may seem to worsen before their medication is due. An individual may feel that they have to take two instead of one just to get by. I would also explain to my client that I do not want to take them off the medication right away, however, ween them off the medication. When an individual stops taking benzo’s suddenly they may feel some discomfort. This discomfort may seem like the original problem returning, but is actually due to your body getting used to not having the drug any longer. …show more content…

Together, we can then change the plan if the reduction is too fast or too slow. Suggest changing to a different type of benzo. Some patients find changing to a long-acting benzodiazepine beneficial. Also going over coping skills with my client such as recognizing withdraw symptoms, avoiding life stressors and making sure that you have someone like family to talk to besides myself. I feel educating my client and knowing how they feel about it is very important. This is a decision that we have to make together. If my client does not feel comfortable with this decision, then we will discuss why and what we need to do to get to this

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