
Explain The Primary Components Of The Criminal Justice System

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Define the primary components of criminal justices and their primary responsibilities.
The Criminal Justice system is a group of agencies and processes established by the government in an effort to control crime and to punish those who violate laws. The justice system is made up of five different components, Law-enforcement, Prosecution, Defense Attorneys, Courts, and Corrections. Each of these components plays a primary role within the justice system and each maintains specific responsibilities.
Law enforcements primary responsibilities are to enforce laws investigate crimes that taken place, apprehend offender, prevent crime, preserve peace and tranquility, and provide the community with needed police services. Officers have the ability to arrest offenders, testify in court proceedings, as well as conduct follow-up investigations if necessary. Depending on whether an officer works at the local, federal, or state level each officer has different duties to maintain. Officers are expected to go above and beyond the actual job requirements.
Prosecutors are lawyers who specifically represent the state or federal government. A prosecutor assesses the …show more content…

Every individual has the right to a defense attorney even if the defendant can no afford one. In situations where defendants cannot afford an attorney the court appoints one to them. “ There are some limited exceptions to this which includes, defendants who are mentally ill or developmentally disabled, children, and some cases involving child custody or child protection, (“Find Law,” 2015).” Defense attorneys specifically represent the defendant unlike prosecutors who represent the state. Cases where defendants would need a defense attorney vary from misdemeanors to felonies. The main responsibility for these types of lawyers is to defend their client, prove their innocence, and in some case negotiate a lesser charge or sentence for their

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