
Explain How These Procedures Have Affected Modern Day Forensic Science

Decent Essays

Identify at least three forensic science procedures that were introduced by Arthur Conan Doyle in his stories of Sherlock Holmes. Explain how those procedures have affected modern day forensic science. A few of the forensic science procedures that were introduced by Arthur Conan Doyle in his stories of Sherlock Holmes are the protection of the crime scene, blood evidence, the study of minute evidence like blood splatter, different smells, shoe prints, and gun powder or residue. Also Sherlock studied soil, minerals, and rocks. Lastly, Sherlock also used the mindset that one could not theorize before he or she has all the evidence. These procedures have affect modern day forensic science because people continue to use the techniques that originated from Sherlock. Who knows, if these books were never written then maybe forensic science …show more content…

In the beginning of his career he mainly tourchered people to get a confession out of them, but then over his career he found a more effective and reliable way to do things. Lee began to look at the evidence more so much so that he was known as the modern day Sherlock. He was known for his understanding of blood. In a case in Florida that seemed impossible to solve he was specifically asked to examine the crime scene. Doctor Henry Lee looked at all the evidence and then began to interpret it, just like Sherlock. He first looked at the bruises and saw there was no cuts. Then he examined the blood and saw that the center of the blood spots were missing which usually happens when a person was coughing up blood. With this information he realized he could eliminate homicide. Doctor Henry Lee slowed down and looked at all the evidence before making an assumption or theory just like Sherlock. This shows that Sherlock's techniques can be used in the modern

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