Assignment #2 Some ways businesses and organizations can develop an ethical culture in their home region and globally are the different Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations. This was approved by Congress in 1991 to set the tone for organizational ethic compliance programs in the 1990s. These include high levels of oversight, care in delegation of authority, effective communication and employee training, systems to monitor, audit and report misconduct, and consistent enforcement and continuous improvement. The standards are designed to help prevent misconduct that may occur in the organization. If an employee violates the standards, it can incur severe penalties. Some ways to develop global ethic culture is through the established
Bertrand Piccard quotes, “In the 21st century, the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability. This is a powerful message, it sums up the concepts discussed throughout the course. Additionally, the case studies such as the New Belgium Brewery, SC Johnson and The Kimberly Clarke organization have been proven to practice this philosophy. As society progresses in its efforts to provide a more sustainable future, there is a fundamental foundation of principles that must be followed to ensure success. Sustainable business development takes into account the application of business operations as it relates to the three pillars of sustainability, which is a dynamic yet integrative place to begin this journey. DesJardins, (2006) calls for a re-imagination of the future to create a vibrant sustainable model; which forms similar beliefs to Piccard. In addition, organizations are more inclined to create sustainable practices based on consumer demand and the willingness of leadership to participate in sustainability programs.
In 1991, the U.S enacted the U.S Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The purpose of the guideline was to create incentives for corporations to adjust or create strong ethical programs that detect and manage illegal behavior. The impact on American businesses is prevalent in today’s corporate environment. There are instances where the guideline is used as a model for ethics program. The impact on US companies range from creating or enhancing ethical training to creating ethics officers. Other impact decisions include the creation of ethics offices and ethics hotlines. By using the sentencing guideline, companies have strengthened their ethical programs while focusing on remaining compliant, avoiding fines or legal
A strong woman is a woman that is independent, helpful, hardworking, loyal and a leader to others. In the world today Oprah is an example of a powerful woman. Oprah is a strong/powerful woman because she is a leader to many people and she was a very hardworking woman to get to the stop that she is today. In the epic tale The Odyssey, Homer introduces three strong women. The three strong women in the epic tale include Circe, Athena, and Penelope.
Every organization is requires a code of ethics and mechanisms to address risk management and the clear disclosure of financial practices. Every organization has a compliance code that must fallow according to the Miami Valley Hospital (2010) compliance codes are updated periodically and anyone who does not fallow the Compliance Plan of Conduct can face fatal consequences such as criminal charges or can permanently lose his or her job. Not meeting compliance codes can also affect the organization because can be fine, or face criminal charges losing reputation and prestige.
At New Visions our mission and values statement, together with a general consensus within our agency on desirable and acceptable moral behavior, obligate our board, our staff, and our volunteers to observe the following code of ethics in the performance of our work (Manning, 2003).
Our mission statement and value statement is the core belief of our agency and they go hand in hand when facing challenges in life. It will help the clients and the employees build belief and strength in them and help everyone become one so that we can all stand together with pride and dignity. I know that this will be a long continuing process and we as an agency will do all that we can to grow so that we can continue to help
Company X believes in upholding and maintaining the highest level of ethical behaviors and complying with all federal, state and local laws. This Ethical Program Policy is to clarify and ensure consistency of all standards of Company X. All employees are important contributors to the success of our company. We expect all of our employees to adhere to the Ethics Program as outlined in the employee handbook and in this policy.
Since the early years, we as human beings seeking ways of generating more and more profits for ourselves, during the exploration people discovered that it would be much more efficient to work together as partners, groups, teams, which would eventually creating an ‘organisation’ when certain requirements have been met. An organisation is defined by the business dictionary:
Royalty House respects and fosters loving, family centered values. Royalty House believes that every individual deserves a chance at new beginnings and the opportunity to obtain the necessary tools to become self-reliant and self-sufficient in adulthood. The NASW Code of Ethics principal states: that social workers’ primary goal is to help people in need and to address social problems. Social workers elevate service to others above self-interest. Social workers draw on personal knowledge, values and skills to address social problems and help people in need. Social workers are encouraged to volunteer some portion of professional skills with no expectation of significant financial return (pro bono service), (Manning, 2003, p. 283).
Since the creation of the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 1984 to address ethics and legal compliance for American businesses, ethics and a lack of ethics and its consequences in business is now being taken very seriously. The sentencing guidelines affect individuals as well as the companies where they are employed. The penalties can include incarceration and huge fines. There is a base fine, the “culpability score”, then a multiplier on the culpability score determined by the court based on the intended loss for the victims.
Advance practice nurses (APNs) and nurse share the same responsibility in maintaining an ethical environment ethics. Yet, APNs do bare a greater responsibility in the creation and development of the ethical environment. Ethical environments are created by the APN that foster the “ought to’s” opposed to “the should’s” (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). The advanced practice nurse has an increased understanding of effectively collaboration, communication, and mediation (DeNisco & Barker, 2016). As a nursing leader, he/she is able to foster an ethical environment by supporting ethical principles in the face of adversity.
A concept that I found to be positive from this theory is that development can occur throughout the life span. An individual can develop their minds, emotions, body, and relationships into adulthood. This allows individuals to play an active role in promoting positive development throughout their life span. I think the concept of lifelong development is important when conducting counseling with adults. I also think it could be used to argue for a justice system based on rehabilitation verses punishment. If development continues into adulthood, why couldn’t individuals be rehabilitated?
How do ethical values shape behavior in organizations? According to Saleem (2014), ethical values and behaviors of an organization are made up of organizations institutionalized philosophies along with the moral ideologies of its members. In addition, the codes of ethics help to enhance the moral reasoning of employees while shaping their behaviors towards morally questioning unethical situations. Organizational leaders are encouraged to build cultures of trust with leadership who establish concerning goals employees pursue y setting examples for others to follow (Crosbie, 2008). The leaders whom are able to build training and development throughout their organization helps design and build relationships characterized by collaborative behaviors those results in mutually beneficial outcomes (Crosbie, 2008).
This assessment will address Qantas Airlines as the organization. The President of the company knows that there are problems he is facing and that there are changes to the organization that need to be made. Considered here are two issues: where the organization currently finds itself, and what plans can and should be undertaken to provide change for that organization. In order to make this determination, the Ethics Matters 10-step model will be used to consider ethics and communication within the company. The Qantas Airlines organization actually measures up relatively well when it comes to Driscoll and Hoffman's 10-point program, because the company has always been about open and honest communication between leadership and employees. With this kind of communication, it is very easy for a company to move forward and be more successful than it could be if it remained closed off and unwilling to address issues. Still, there are always places where an organization could be improved.
The next step is to establish codes of ethics. A code of ethics is a