
Explain How Have Scientist Helped Save Lives In Earthquake Prone Areas

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How have scientist helped save lives in earthquake prone areas?
Building materials
Springs and other building materials are used to help save lives in earthquake prone areas. Scientist use a variety of different materials spanning from shock absorbers to springs. Scientists put springs under building that allow the buildings to sway but not topple over. Scientist tell builders to put steel bracing supports around or in the walls of buildings in between these are shock absorbers which stop the vibrating from going up the building. These are made of steel which are strong and don’t move a lot. Building materials need to be strong and flexible so that when an earthquake occures it won’t break. Steel ball bearings will move the platform and themselves but they will not move the house this helps the house …show more content…

Scientists can’t predict earthquakes but may be able to give a 20 to 30 second warning to provide 30 seconds of evacuation. Scientist can get an idea of when an earthquake might happen by putting GPS trackers on fault lines. Seismographs can measure earthquakes. They are able to pick up the different types of waves that create and earthquake. These different waves can help scientist find out where the epicentre of the earthquake is.
Search and rescue
What Rescue dogs and the UN do to help. Rescue have an exetremely good sense of smell and hearing which is used to find people under rubble. If it is dark, rescue dogs wear fluro vests that glow in the dark. Dogs have bottled water and high energy foods attached to their vests incase the patient is thirsty or hungry. Dogs also are extremely small which means they may be able to fit through small holes. The UN use Carbon dioxide detectors can be used to find survivors rendered unconscious. They work best in confined spaces where they detect the greater CO2 concentration in the air exhaled by those still

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