At first glance, the topic of expertise within the civil and criminal justice system seems largely straightforward and completely positive. This apparent simplicity and beneficial nature draws support from the term’s general definition; for example, “expertise” refers to “expert opinion or knowledge…obtained – through…consideration by experts…[or simply] an expert’s appraisal, valuation, or report” (OED). In other words, “expertise” as an abstraction in law functions as a source of seemingly reliable knowledge meant to accurately resolve legal disputes with an emphasis on logic. However, under closer examination involving the referral to three academic articles, this definition fails to include the following key ideas that arguably presents
Expert opinion in the court is required when the juries need assistance of an expert with special
Chapter Nine has a strong relationship with the HRS in that they both describe the roles and powers of legal practitioners. The chapter can be summarized as a sociolegal study on the exercise and source of professional power as wielded by Lawyers and adjacent practitioners of law. When taken in totality, this chapter presents its findings in such a way that when “read together these studies illuminate the multiple dimensions of professional power” (Rostain, 2008, p 147). Consequently there is a heavy focus upon how lawyer’s ideologies
Acting as a legal practitioner is considered a “great privilege” and “offers the opportunity to serve the community in a profoundly important way.” Lawyer’s roles as officers of the Court and administrators of justice give them a monopoly on the delivery of counselling and representation services. In order to “maintain their capacity to serve the community” , legal practitioners must accept that they are
All training required for judges, public defenders and prosecutors require a law degree and membership in The American Bar Association in which the state they practice law in. The American Bar Association set professional standards for conduct and certification for lawyers starting in the 19th century (Gufaston& McClellon, 2012). A new model code of professional responsibility has mandated conduction of the procedures of trials that must conform to the core requirements of law set with specific standards (Pollock, 2014). For this very reason of non reliability in regards to set training standards of particular types of lawyers and established practice, Burger (1973) contended that how lawyers are trained in and after law school, will ultimately dictate their proficiencies as counsel in our adversary criminal justice system; eventually deciding the virtue and essence of our justice within the system. With hardly any if not non existent live training in the court system, no standard procedure is developed and required strictly for attorneys’ and judges to complete; reassuring individual rights of citizens are upheld to the highest standards during the legal process, proving these law practitioners’ are truly proficient in conducting their vital positions as expected in the Constitutional performance of protecting people’s rights (Burger, 1973). The general public assumes that every graduated law student is accomplished enough, merely through designation from the bar which then qualifies the individual capable to immediately practice and counsel within the court system (Burger,
Every one of these rights are ensured by the United States Constitution and are appropriate to all states through the Fourteenth Amendment and in addition United States Supreme Court case opinions. As being what is indicated, a criminal defense legal counselor is committed to give customers security against the exceed of the legislature in meting out discipline to any individual accused of a criminal offense. An accomplished, qualified attorney achieves this by challenging any administration or law requirement lead that disregards the privileges of any United States native accused of a wrongdoing. Should a criminal defense legal counselor neglect to try sensible endeavors to ensure your rights or give powerful assistance, he/she dangers losing
Have you ever sat back and thought of the multiple different people that need the criminal justice professionals? A lot of people think that the police, child protection and probation officers are a waste of time but they actually save lives. Adolescents who can no longer live with their parents are placed in others home until it is safe to go back home, homeless people without homes are placed in shelters as well as women that are abused in domestic violence situations. People from every walk of life, race and culture experience these situations. People within the criminal justice profession protect these individuals and help them find a way out of the environment they are in.
Over the past two years I have continuously studied and worked within the criminal justice field. My studies from Vincennes University varied within the field of criminal justice and at times pertained to corrections. Working as a Campus Safety Officer gave me experience with a variety of people and personalities. During my time as a Campus Safety Officer I was educated on defensive tactics, pepper ball training, hand-to-hand combat, OC pepper spray, and Monadnock expandable baton training. I have excellent communication skills and am able to keep calm during stressful situations.
The use of experts within the tribunal system is exploited to a greater extent in tribunals; Doctors Chartered Surveyors and other professional experts can be called to give their opinion on certain forms of evidence. This is the same typically in the court system but in tribunals the Chairperson can ask questions themselves and ask for opinions, in the courts the
I have always been drawn to the law and children and have focused my studies on criminal justice and education. Furthermore, I have dedicated most of my time volunteering with children in some capacity, whether it be Respite Foster Care, Youth Ministry, after school Booster Clubs, and as a Paraprofessional. Equally important, I am a senior at the University of Houston – Downtown majoring in Criminal Justice with a minor in Business Administration.
There will always be a fight for justice, and where there is crime there are those who must solve them. I wish to pursue a career in the criminal justice industry, mainly working as a forensic science criminalist. Those who use scientific logic and evidence found at the scene of the crime to solve the case, The heroes who don’t wear the labcoats instead of the black and blues. Heroes like these need certain skills, interests, and values that make them an official criminalist.
When I was approximately eight years old, I received several copies of the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series from my aunt. After that, I have read Sherlock Holmes mysteries and watched crime shows like ‘DCI Banks’ and ‘Grantchester’. These books and TV shows sparked my interest in mysteries and Criminal Justice in general. Since then, I have aspired to follow in the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes, though fictional, and become a detective. However, in order to obtain that goal, I would need to study Criminal Justice extensively and understand the requirements that it entails.
Before the days when I had a confident mind about what I wanted to achieve in life in order to fulfill lifelong goals, committing to a career in service to criminal justice and law had always intrigued me as a way to earn a living. In high school there was an extracurricular Criminal Justice class that I remember having a profound impact on my life. The lessons of how the structure of the system worked as well as the importance of an honest and honorable way to earn a living played to a keen and personal interest I had in the field. At the time it was a very new post-9/11 world, and departments such as Homeland Security and other federal sectors of government were on my radar as possible outlets for a potential career. The outset of my young,
My shop in PCTI is Criminal Justice. Sometimes I enjoy my shop and sometimes I don’t. The reason being is that we take a lot of notes in criminal justice and i don’t like that but at the same time, we do fingerprints, handcuffs, and mock trials. I do foresee myself working in the criminal justice field as an adult. I hope to become a detective or a social worker. PCTI has taught me many useful skills such as learning to be responsible, managing my time, learning to multitask, and learning to put my priorities over my hobbies. I envision myself using all of those skills when i become an adult. When i become a detective or social worker, i believe that my adult life consist of me working 24/7. Eventually when i retire I’m sure i’ll have enough
My parents first came to America in the mid 80s, they knew little to no English. Imagine coming to a brand-new country in your late 20s and the only people that you knew was the church that sponsored you. They had little to no money and had to raise four kids in a poor neighborhood. Since they were not familiar with the culture in America it was hard for them to adjust to this new lifestyle. It didn't help that all that surrounded them was gang violence and drugs. Once they became educated on how the area that we lived in was bad they tried their hardest to prevent their children from falling into a life of crime. Once they had enough money my parents moved our family into a better neighborhood, it still wasn't the best neighborhood but it
The legal profession has been around for a long time, as it is one of the oldest information professions . The service it provides is essential, as it