Bandit was a hybrid half wolf and half dog, he was used for entertainment at a golf course and was abused by an angry man because Bandit tried stealing one of the mans golf balls. The man beat him with his golf club and Bandit suffered from a broken shoulder and now is scared of people. We should be able to own exotic animals for endangered reasons. If an exotic animal is kept in captivity they can be breed and make the population bigger. Exotic animals are also so great for people who have allergies, we can build special bonds with these animals
A man named Ashley Gombert and his tiger Shosho. At first it was very hard for keeper Ashley Gombert to justify to the bond between the tiger and him for safety reasons but eventually they got used
Have you ever wanted to own an exotic animal for a pet? Many people are against owning exotic animals as pets, but many are well taken care of and a very low number of people are killed. They are also born in captivity. People should be allowed to own exotic animals as pets.
opic:_____having extioc pets___________________________ Position:____________________________Againest ____________________ Introduction: Lead (attention grabber/WOW statement/Hook) _when we were young we all wanted an exotic pet like a pet polarbear but it would eat us or use us as a chew toy Lead the lions tigers and bears you see on tv are trained a made safer by removing teeth and claws the ones on the black market are not safe Lead there was a woman that owned tigers and they got hungry and killed her she died know enough to realie know that they would eat her when they had a chance. she went to feed them and they grabed her and tore her apart at least they didn't go hungry. things like this happened to many people over the years their many things that could of changed
In most places owning a dog or cat is second nature, but what about a tiger, bear or maybe python? Exotic pet ownership is far from having a clear right or wrong answer but it is in need of a ban for both the protection of animal and owner.For exotic pet owners, owning a wild beast insures a sense of power and uniqueness. It is also their way of contributing to the conservation of a species by having a “backup population” once human population growth and habitat destruction has resulted in extinction (Slater 113). But in reality the ownership of wild animals as pets only helps to damage already fragile ecosystems, both the one from which they came from and the new one in which they find themselves. Animals in captivity are also stripped of a natural life in the wild, free of confinement and unsuitable care. Finally, the risk to humans is very large, injuries inflicted from exotic pets are dangerous and possibly deadly. Bans vary from state to state, ranging from no ban to partial ban to complete ban, but even in states with full bans, exotic pet ownership still occurs. Private ownership of an exotic animal as a pet should be banned in the US, due to disruptions in ecosystems, the dangers that wild animals are exposed too, and the risks to the owners of these pets.
Every child has asked their parents for a pet animal. The thing is though, is what type of animal they asked for. Such as a dog or cat and even the occasional hippopotamus for Christmas, right? Lots of people buy exotic animals not knowing how much work it really takes to take care of them. For example, many people have bought pythons and when they get to a size where they can’t keep care of them they let them go into the wild. Exotic animals are very costly and time consuming, they grow up and get bigger and all in all they are very dangerous.
Owning exotic animals could be good for the animals because you could breed them and keep their species alive. For humans you could open up a learning center and teach the kids about the animals or even adults. This could teach people to take more care of the animals. “Exotic pets are so different from cats and dogs that owning one can be an incredible learning experience.” says Dr Laurie Hess. The ways you can learn from owning these animals is amazing. Owning exotic pets wouldn’t be so bad after all.
With regard to keeping a pet, any animal can be mistreated and could possibly be a danger to their owner, but exotic pets present some unique dangers to their owners in terms of creating some
Pocahontas is a famous figure in Native American history. Almost everyone knows her from the movie, Pocahontas. However, her story portrayed in the Disney film does not give accurate information about her life. Born in Werowocomoco, Virginia around 1596, Pocahontas was born to Powhatan, who was the paramount chief of the Powhatan Chiefdom ( There weren’t any written documents about Pocahontas’ mother, but some historians believe that she may have died after giving birth to her ( Pocahontas is actually a nickname meaning “naughty one” and her birth name was Mataoka ( As a child, Pocahontas could’ve lived a more privileged childhood, but she had to learn how to become an adult woman. So she hardly wore any clothing and she had her
Deviance is not an event. It is a process that involves multiple levels of disapproval in the society, which has been proved to be biased against certain groups of people. Deviance isn't just a matter of actions, but our identity. Everyone commits crime, but not all obtain the identity as deviant. The process of acquiring that status involves exclusion of others, and the attribution of stigma, as illustrated in Goffman's study. Visible and perceivable stigma leads to spoiled identity, where people acquire through interactions with others. We become deviant through membership in different groups as they produce deviance by participating the 'rituals' of inclusion and exclusion. Its complexity continued to elude our attention, as we had constantly
Exotic animals shouldn’t be left in the wild. More than likely, some species are endangered and aren’t fit enough to live on their own. They require special help from doctors who have them on special diets and who monitor their moving. Exotic animals being left in the wild is a one way ticket to extinction for multiple species. That is why we need laws, doctors, and people who care try to protect the helpless animals.
Exotic species, also called non-indigenous, or invasive species, are organisms that have moved beyond their natural geographical range of habitat.
So as you see keeping a wild animal as a pet is very dangerous. They’re many records of people being fatally injured or dying because of a wild animal attack or a pet attack. There is also a lot of paperwork for you and for the other person. It’s also a lot of work, no matter how high it gets you on the social scale that doesn’t relate to how much work it takes. So as this is the end, I hope you strongly agree with me that NO wild animal should be kept
While domesticated pets like dogs and cats make good pets many people want to own exotic animals that belong in the wild. These animals range from tigers to pythons, but should not be owned as they need special care most people cannot provide. Not only this, but exotic animals release is harmful for everyone, the exotic animal, humans, and native animals. Lastly, many exotic animals carry diseases that are harmless to them, but fatal to humans. Exotic “pets” are harmful for everyone, not just the pet. This is why people should not be able to own exotic pets.
Returning to therapy can be a deeply emotional choice for many people. However, the decision becomes easier when you view mental health recovery through a more realistic lens. It’s a process with both peaks and valleys. You might decide to go back to therapy if you are experiencing a relapse of mental health symptoms, or if you left treatment prematurely in the past. Make the process easier by spotting the warning signs of relapse, choosing the most effective therapy, and gathering a support system.
It should not legal to have exotic animals because from 1999 to 2014, 921 people died in the United States from encountering hornets, wasps or bees. 78 people died from attacks by other reptiles. 486 people died from dog attacks and 1,163 people died from attacks by other mammals, such as cows or horses. About 4.5 million dog bites occur each year. There were 112 deaths from 1999 to 2014 due to contact with venomous spiders and 101 due to contact with venomous snakes and lizards.
The question of humanity arises every couple of years, on the topic - should exotic animals be allowed to be kept as pets. Is it humane for the beings who feel pain, give birth, take care of their young like human beings do to be behind bars? According to the National Geographic 66 percent of wild animals are owned privately while the 28 percent of the animals reside in the zoo. Some of the exotic animals can be found as pets rather than in the wild. The estimated number of Tigers kept as pets are between 5,000 and 7,000, which is more than the ones that exist in the wild. Interested buyers can purchase a tiger cheaper than some of the purebred dogs, for the price as shocking as 300 dollars. Though some states in the United States do allow wild animals as pets, it is still illegal in most states or require a license for it. Most of the animals as pets are through illegal routes like underground auctions and smuggling.