I1 (done) : Now, with the earth being packed to the brim, we must journey into space, to find a new home, in another galaxy. However, it will be fraught with danger, so we must take every precaution. We believe we have found a suitable host for our species, homo sapiens. Although it's over four million years away, we believe we are very close to a breakthrough on near lightspeed travel. Soon, the human race will be able to fly among the stars, and turn the new world into a reservoir of human talent, to be drawn upon to further our universes knowledge.
B1 (done) : Exoplanets are a unique type of planets because it orbits stars other than the sun, they are made mostly of diamond and graphite. Exoplanets are known to be beyond our solar system,
Method 1: Radial Velocity (earliest method used, still pretty good) 672 planets found Radial Velocity is one of the main methods used to find exoplanets and the first successful method used to find planets. When a star has a planet orbiting it, the star has a gravitational effect on the planet, but the planet also has a small gravitational pull on the star. This means the star moves in small circle, called a ‘wobble’. The bigger a planet the more wobble it causes on the star as it has a larger gravitational effect. We can tell how much stars wobble because of the doppler effect.
Even though the inner and outer planets are very similar, they also have quite a few differences.Even though the inner and outer planets may have the same orbit plane and they both do not use their own light they are also different in size and their composition.
In the last century alone we have learned so much about universe surrounding us. What it's made of, what makes it move, the difference between planets and other celestial bodies. One major factor that differentiates planets to other objects in our solar system is that due to their size and gravitational pull, they have cleared the neighborhood around their solar orbit of other planetesimals. There is no belt of planets like there are asteroids in our solar system. A moon's defining feature is their orbit around a planet rather than a star. Moon's, unlike planets are all primarily made of rocky substances, though NASA's Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 mission in 1979 and 1980 respectively both observed Saturn's moon Titan to have both liquid under its icy surface as well as its own atmosphere, yet it still has a rocky core. We have
From the 14 Grand Challenges listed by the NAE, the most important one, I believe, is shifting to a focus on engineering the tools of scientific discovery. It is true that while engineers create the world, scientists discover the one we have now. Why separate the two? By combining the Sciences and Engineering, we are set to discover so much more than we ever thought ourselves capable of. This has already been proven with virtually every scientific discovery that has been made true through the form of some complex apparatus, but this is further proven through this year’s TRAPPIST telescope discovery of the seven exoplanets found orbiting around a single star. While this discovery was a huge achievement for scientists, this would not have been
Liquid water is the most important factor for life, as we know it. Water is abundant in the galaxy, it is found in cold dense molecular stars as well as hot stellar atmospheres. Liquid water exists at a large range of pressures and temperature.
Thanks to a sighting via the US NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (www.spitzer.caltech.edu) in a partnership with Poland’s Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, or OGLE Telescope (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_Gravitational_Lensing_Experiment), a brand new Milky Way exoplanet has been found. The remote gas planet is at least 13,000 light years from Earth, making this adventure in planet finding one of the farthest known of its kind. These worlds are called exoplanets, which mean they circle a sun other than our own sun.
According to the article, astronomers have discovered and announced the most exciting exoplanet discover to date, which is an Earth-like planet orbiting a red dwarf star around Proxima Centauri. This planet has named as Proxima b. Proxima b is a roughly Earth size and lying approximately 4.2 light years away from our own solar system. Besides, the conditions of that planet might be suitable for water or even life in that atmosphere. Per the article, NASA has scheduled to launch $8.8 billion James Webb Space Telescope to study this Planet in 2018. This could help the astronomers to learn more Proxima b’s atmospheres of transiting exoplanets and look for possible signs of life. Moving forward, it will have a huge massive impact of philosophical,
What do you think we would do if someone from anther planet landed in the U.S and claimed it as his territory because he had discovered it? How would you feel about this?
: In the year 3000, the planet Earth went through years of a great tribulation. The Planet face dramatic hurricanes that destroy the cities across the Earth and tsunamis that kill over 20% of the population. Then horrendous earthquakes happen all over the world destroying billions of lives, causing landmasses to break apart from each other. Then wars after wars to the point it was easier to end war from a fearful nuclear bomb that destroy 40 percent of the population. Due to the nuclear bomb, the natural resources became contaminated, so many die from starvation and diseases. Therefore, after years of seeing the Earth being destroyed. Prince Prome from Planet Eris decides the people of planet Earth are in a need of a hero.
Scientists who study astronomy, astronomers, are trying to research the atmosphere of exoplanets to discover planets that have conditions able to be lived in. Since Earth used to not be habitable during the Archean Era because there was low levels of oxygen and lots of organic chemicals. During this time, it is possible that Earth had an atmosphere haze, seen in exoplanets today. This thick haze allows little light through allowing the planet to reach extremely low temperatures. As scientists have done more research, they have found that as this haze gets thicker and less light get through, there is also less chemicals driven by sunlight in the atmosphere. Some of these chemicals are necessary for creating this haze and without them, haze can’t
The first exoplanet found, Peg 51 b, challenged the then present theory of giant planet formation. Models of giant planet formation stated that Jupiter-like planets form at distances of 4-5 AU, AU being the distance from
Originally there was only one planet, Earth, and it was much bigger than it is today. That is how Gaia and Uranus wanted it to be. It stayed like that for thousands of years until Zeus finally defeated Kronos. Zeus assigned the gods their roles on the planet. Aphrodite the goddess of beauty was talking about how to keep the planet beautiful. While Demeter the goddess of the harvest was talking about how to keep the planet plentiful. The gods made a deal that whatever was not fertile and made the planet less beautiful they would destroy.
These planets also known as, Exoplanet , are found outside our solar system and orbit around its host star; its said to be the most common stars in the Universe. The reason for this is because they exist with the habitable zones of their stars, where liquid water could pool on the surface of the planet and potentially support life. Many astrobiologists believe that in order for life to arise and survive, it must be found on a planet or moon within the habitable zone of a star. The size of the star is important as well; Stars that are much larger than the Sun have such short lifetimes, that it is unlikely that there would be enough time for any kind of life, particularly complex life, to develop. Planets in the habitable zone of small stars
I would have to say that the atmospheres of Jovian planets and the atmospheres of terrestrial planets similar because they are all part of the same primordial solar nebula. Another similarity is that, they both move around the Sun at an angle orbit with changing eccentricities. Despite the fact, the Jovian and terrestrial planets differ in structure, they both have a solid core which in turn makes the cores of the terrestrial planets are larger than the cores of the Jovian planets.
Years and years ago, there were only eight known planets that orbit our sun; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Eight planets until that fateful day when Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered our ninth planet. Although, a little credit should be given to Percival Lowell, who first proposed the idea of the possible existence of an unknown ninth planet. Searching for more than a decade without success, Lowell calculated the approximate distance of the hypothesized ninth planet. According to www.history.com, the search for Pluto was resumed, in 1929, at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona using the calculations of Lowell and W.H. Pickering, another American astronomer, as a guide. Finally, on February 18, 1930, the use