God has a solution for every problem
Exodus is a book that has come down from God to Israelites, and the book is just like guidelines and laws that should be known, followed, and used. At the time that Exodus came down from God, Moses was the person who has been sent by God. He was sent to help the Israelites who were suffering from the Egyptian's bad attitudes. The Egyptians were forcing the Israelites to work very hard. One day, the king of Egypt had a dream. Then, one of the dreams’ interpreters defined and interpreted his dream. He said that an Israelite male child will grow up and break down the Egyptian kingdom. Therefore, the pharaoh of Egypt decided to kill all of the male children that born in that year. Many children had been killed
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Then, the male child went to the door of the Egyptian kingdom. “Bithiah” who was an “Egyptian princess drawn him from the Nile” River(Wikipedia). This story is really an amazing story which people can learn many lessons from. A great conclusion can be drawn from the story of Moses. One can say that Every problem can be solved by the God. To clarify, If God asks you to do something, do it even if it is hard for you because God will be with you and will protect you. Even though the God knew that the Egyptian will try to kill Moses if he goes and speaks loud to help his people to rescue from the Egyptian, the god helped Moses to continue doing what the God told him to do. Since he knew that God will protect him(Passini). If Moses went to the pharaoh of Egypt by only his own power, “He barely got pharaoh to concede with the power of God on display. Moses surely would have failed if he tried it on his own ability”(Passini). Also, after the Israelites went to the desert with Moses, there were no foods that they can eat. Then, the God send them foods. However, the food that …show more content…
This is not something by just themselves. Poor and reach people are all in their own situation because of the God’s satisfaction. There are many stories about people getting rich from a very poor life. As Ariba Malik said that there was a man who was very poor. He was picking up garbages. “Then, after many years of hard work he became rich, bought a nice house and a limo”(Malik). It is right that he worked hard so that he could gain money to be rich. However, If God didn't want this situation to happen, it wouldn't happen. The God could make him sick or make him die. Therefore, God is in every situation that happens around the world. Also, we can say that God helped him to find a solution for his poverty. Maybe, he was sitting alone and thinking about what to do, and then God helped him to organize his thinking and helped him to find out what is the best job to do to gain money and become
they would be blessed if they followed God, but punished if they strayed from him. Nehemiah
Moses is born at the time where the pharaoh decides to kill all the first born boys.
Moses was the one to continuing approaching a burning bush, and listened to it talk. Despite listening to an inanimate object prophesize to him, Moses knew that the message was whole and pure and instantly believed that this destiny would lead the Israelites to justice (Exodus 3:17). Throughout the rest of his journey, Moses and God shared a similar definition of justice, which is an important reason why they were so successful with their plan. Since God made His plan for Moses and the Israelites so clear, Moses had no choice but to accept God’s perspective and began to trust that His justice was exactly what was needed. It was that simple for him.
Moses handled the mess of rebelling, ungrateful, and complaining people. But even he did not follow the explicit commands of God, in Numbers 20, God told him to command the rock to give water but Moses, in the heat of dealing with the people, disobeyed God by striking the rock instead. Because of this decision God tells him he will never see the Promised Land. In spite of this Moses does not give up leading God’s people. Moses was by no means a perfect man
The Exodus story is a key event in regards to Israel’s history and the Old Testament. Exodus is often seen as the beginning for the Israelites in regards to their journey of faith. In Exodus it covers many events which includes Moses being called by God to lead the slaves, the escape of Egypt, wandering in the Sinai desert for forty years, establishing a covenant with God, receiving the Torah, and getting settled in the new land that they were called to. The Torah is known as the instruction from God that was given to Moses and then passed on to the Israel’s people. Passover is an event that has important significance still to this day. Jews still celebrate this event every year as a way to show the importance of passing through the life of
As stated earlier, God had made a covenant with Abraham that he would give him people, place, presence,
(NabRe, Lev 10:12). The sacrifice that was left over would often be consumed by the people, or in such cases as in passover, specific unleavened bread would be consumed by the Israelites to please the lord. The divine instruction of God due to restrictions and sacrifices influenced the types of food the Israelites
One dreams, through the use of imagination, of what will become of them as life progresses. In some cases that person lives passionately with desires of self fulfillment, eventually reaching their goals in an ever so content way. At other times one remains lost, underappreciated, and ultimately carries with them a perilous, loathing attitude. Willy Loman drives his life to the point of no return where images of his past become his contorted reality. Amanda Wingfield slips on the white dress of her adolescence and is suddenly thrown back in time, living as if she were the young girl she once was at Blue Mountain. Death of the Salesman by Arthur Miller was published in 1949, only four years preceding Tennessee Williams play of The Glass
The bible begins the story “Moses in Egypt” by introducing the upright, sons of God, who traveled to Egypt. These names include Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. In contrast, the Quran begins the story by introducing Pharaoh. Pharaoh has a negative reputation for his wrongdoings and flaunts his pleasure in the hardship he has presented upon the people of the land. Simply within the introduction of the stories, positive and negative connotations are discharged. The bible begins with a simple introduction of good characters, where as, the Quran begins its tale with a dreadful protagonist. Following the introduction, the Bible continues by explaining that all newborn boys must be killed, while
When the last set of the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea, Moses raised his hands and the sea came back into one. The Egyptians were washed away and the Hebrews saw them no more. That is how Moses, Betsy, Aaron, and Miriam saved the Hebrew with the help of God. The people rejoiced and remembered the miracle from the ten plagues to the return of the deliverer. The people learned that great things could happen to a small people with the help of God on their side.
One of the men they spoke to said that “if God didn’t have a purpose for [him], [he] would’ve been dead a long time ago”. However, the man also acknowledged that although his life was rough, there were many others who were in more challenging situations than him, as goes on to say “I see people in a wheelchair and they’re sick. There’s a lot of people more worse off
3. The Judicial law.” Moses would also be given specific details on how to build the tabernacle, which they would erect there temporally until God told them to move again. They had survived together, living under oppression as a people in Egypt, but they did not realize that the Journey had only begun. The true test of trusting in God came when they began to wander in the wilderness.
In the story of Joseph it mention that God give him a dream that Egypt was going to have a time of harvest and a time of famine. Joseph was asked to interrupt the king dreams which he did. The king was pleased to hear what it meant then made him second in command over Egypt. He became the administrator over the land and made sure that the economy was taking care of the way it should. He used his skills tackle all of the economic issues at that time and season.
Did you know that your hair isn’t the only thing turns into knots? When your body gets attacked by viruses it is most likely that the viruses will be turning your DNA into a knot. Your DNA looks like a not, but it's really not a knot. When a virus is attacking your body it will turn your bodies into a knot. From the theories that biologist have found they will be able to find cure for diseases and when a person gets sick they are getting their bodies getting turned into knots.
In Exodus 2:5, the Pharaoh’s daughter disregards the order to kill the baby boys and rescues a baby from the reeds of the Nile. Recognizing he was Hebrew, she decides to raise him as her own, allowing a Hebrew woman to be his wet-nurse by the suggestion of a young Hebrew girl (not knowing they were the baby’s mother and sister). This baby later becomes known as Moses who eventually leads the Israelites to their freedom. In conclusion, the bible demonstrates how the people did not respect the Pharaoh as a leader of the Egyptian kingdom. Raveh (2013) explains: