Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) also known as “after burn” is described as an increase in the rate of oxygen intake, designed to eliminate the oxygen debt after intense activity or exercise. EPOC is the explanation for a person having trouble getting their breathing right again after running on a track. The increase of oxygen consumption also results in an energy expenditure increase that contributes to the overall metabolism increase of an exercise bout. There are many researches that show the different effects on EPOC by the types of exercise, gender, and body composition of their participants. In this article, EPOC following multiple effort sprint and moderate aerobic exercise led by Jeremy R. Townsend wanted to examine the effects of multiple efforts of sprint interval exercise (SIE) and moderate aerobic exercise (MA) on EPOC (Townsend,1). To test this study, six recreationally-trained males at an average of 23 years old each with an average body mass of 81.8kg and an average height of 6.3 cm each were recruited. To qualify for this study they had to take a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). They were all briefed on what the study consisted of. To start the procedure, the participants appeared to the laboratory at separate times. First they had to familiarize themselves with investigators, instruments, and instructions of the tests. Second, they had to take test 1, the moderate aerobic exercise and then the SIE test, which was the
After the exercise, we then took the measurements of our pulse, breathing rate and temperature too to see the change. Once we had completed this the first time, we then did it 2 other times, so in total 3 time so that the data was reliable and trustworthy. (Stretch, B., & Whitehouse, M. (2007).
In this assignment I will be introducing a formal report that is based on an investigation into how the body responds to exercise and which analyses the results from the investigation. The investigation involves myself and other pupils in my class. I will be doing the Harvard step test. the other pupils in my class will be monitoring my heart rate, breathing rate and temperature before and after the test.
In these experiments we talked about the Resting Metabolic Rate and Progressive Submaximal Exercise Testing to determine a subjects’ carbon dioxide production to oxygen consumption. This was done by having examples provided for us to calculate the RMR by using a formula, (X ml/kg/min x weight in kg) / 1000 mL= # L/min, to determine the number of calories burned at rest, as well having subjects perform the standardized treadmill test for 12-15 minutes for the Progressive Submaximal Exercise Testing.
Oxygen deficit occurs when the ATP production increases. It also occurs during the beginning of exercise. Anytime an individual changes the intensity of a workout, there will be an oxygen deficit. Oxygen deficit uses aerobic metabolism during an exercise bout.
Participant has completed an adult pre-exercise screening assessment, is currently fit and has no history of medical conditions in which to influence the results or compromise wellbeing.
During exercise there is an increase in cardiac output, which corresponds to an increase in maximal oxygen consumption. With the increase in oxygen consumption, a greater increase in blood flow occurs. This means there is more oxygen circulating in the blood for the tissues to take up. Due to the increase in blood flow, vasoconstriction of arterioles occurs to maintain mean arterial pressure (Bassett & Edward, 1997). This limits oxygen consumption because some of the blood flow is directed to the brain and skin. It is further pointed out that the heart is another limiting factor because it determines how much blood and oxygen are supplied to the muscles especially when blood flow exceeds maximal cardiac output (Bassett & Edward,
In this lab, the focus was to study muscular fitness. In muscular fitness, there are two main components of measurements that are being taken, which are muscular strength and muscular endurance. Muscular strength is an individual’s ability to exert their maximum force. To test muscular strength, there are multiple tests such as 1 RM , Static Handgrip Strength, and Back Strength Dynamometer test. Muscular endurance is an individual’s ability to sustain prolonged muscular contractions. Tests that reveal results about an individual’s muscular endurance would be tests such as YMCA Submaximal Bench Press, Push-Up, and Plank test. It is important to remember that there is no single test for endurance and strength that will tell an
If you do not know by now Exercise-associated hyponatremia is a fluid-electrolyte disorder caused by a decrease in sodium levels (hyponatremia) during or up to twenty-four hours after prolonged physical activity. Exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) first was described in Durban, South Africa, in 1981. If not taken care of immediately, EAH can led to tragic consequences. More than 500 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes as larger marathons can have tens of thousands of participants.
Steps 1 to 6 were repeated for 1 minute for each trial to record down the initial resting heart rate for PASCO exercise. Result was recorded on results table for initial heart rate for PASCO type exercise.
In the movie The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, education dawns as a powerful force that transforms hardship into empowerment. Education plays a major role in empowerment as it provides the tools to think creatively and live a better life. In this essay, you will read about the impact of the role of education in empowerment, highlighting the ways it provides the tools to think creatively, create opportunities for a better quality of life, and uncover the benefits that education has for individuals and their communities. Education provides many opportunities to live a better life and get a well-paying job. Education is the gateway to a fulfilling life.
The subjects were given a survey on their health as to avoid injured or asthmatic variables. Also they were all required to be in the healthy BMI range and the athletes were from one sport and the non-athletes had a strict definition of exercise as less than twice a week. However, a few errors could have slipped through. For example when recording the participants heart rate. The pulse was sometimes hard to locate requiring more time to look for it after their lap run and perhaps lose data in the process. Another possible error that could have occurred was taking the recovery times. The majority of the participant trials were done by one project partner making it difficult to monitor the thirty second intervals while measuring and recording the heart rates as well. In future studies these errors may be avoided by requiring all the researchers be present for the experiment in order to secure more definitive results. Another issue that occurred was the participants failing to show up, more so in the athlete group, which left a hole in hour experimental data because we were unable to reach the intended six athlete total due to this issue. Future researchers should attempt to have all the athlete and non-athlete participants together at one time for each day. This would avoid having to come back day by day and remember who did one day and who’s
In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle explains the misconception of amusement and leisure being considered the same thing. He distinguishes the difference between the two. In this paper I will argue that Aristotle is correct amusement and leisure are not the same thing.
MiMi was very open to sharing her childhood and cultural experiences. She informed me that there were many things that affected her throughout her childhood, and she never really had a chance to share it with anyone outside of her experience, or culture. MiMi’s grandmother Lin was more restricted in her conversation. Lin was very quite at first, but warmed up towards the middle of the conversation. Many of Lin’s answers were one-worded answers, and she sat with her arms folded the entire time. MiMi was excited to sit down and talk, and smiled often when talking about her visits to China, and her family functions. I think that MiMi is proud of her culture, and was happy that someone else was interested in her culture. Lin was protective of MiMi, and I feel that she wanted to make sure I was not there to Mock MiMi’s
Carry out an experiment to measure the heart rate and ventilation rate before, during and after moderate exercise.
Physical fitness has two main classifications-performance related and health related. People have different performance related requirements in accordance with their occupation but all people have the same health related requirements (The World). Then there are two types of exercise that helps tone a person’s body while increasing its endurance. These are aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise is exercise that uses the muscles and bones. Cardio activities are a good example of this, such as running or biking. This type of exercise increases the strength of a person’s heart and boosts their lung capacity. Anaerobic exercise is an intense but short amount of exercise (Payment). Since it is only for a brief amount of time, it does not require the amount of oxygen aerobic exercise does. Instead it uses glycogen which comes from the sugar in a person’s blood. An example of this exercise is weight lifting or sprinting. A person’s requires both anaerobic and aerobic exercise for good health. Simply doing a cardio work out is not healthy, and for a person to see real results there must be some activity like weight lifting (“Anaerobic”).