
Exercise Oxygen Consumption ( Epoc )

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Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) also known as “after burn” is described as an increase in the rate of oxygen intake, designed to eliminate the oxygen debt after intense activity or exercise. EPOC is the explanation for a person having trouble getting their breathing right again after running on a track. The increase of oxygen consumption also results in an energy expenditure increase that contributes to the overall metabolism increase of an exercise bout. There are many researches that show the different effects on EPOC by the types of exercise, gender, and body composition of their participants. In this article, EPOC following multiple effort sprint and moderate aerobic exercise led by Jeremy R. Townsend wanted to examine the effects of multiple efforts of sprint interval exercise (SIE) and moderate aerobic exercise (MA) on EPOC (Townsend,1). To test this study, six recreationally-trained males at an average of 23 years old each with an average body mass of 81.8kg and an average height of 6.3 cm each were recruited. To qualify for this study they had to take a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). They were all briefed on what the study consisted of. To start the procedure, the participants appeared to the laboratory at separate times. First they had to familiarize themselves with investigators, instruments, and instructions of the tests. Second, they had to take test 1, the moderate aerobic exercise and then the SIE test, which was the

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