
Exemplification Essay: The Abuse Of Welfare

Satisfactory Essays

The problem that I have is with the people that abuse the effects of welfare not working on purpose or worse pretending to have a disability but are perfectly fine. In my eyes it is a disgrace to cheat the system just because you don’t want to work for your money. There are people out there with a family working their hardest struggling to put food on the table, pay bills and still try to have enough to put their kids threw school. I do have respect to the people that need it, like they got hurt on the job and can’t work for a few months that I can understand but the people that never got the job to even try go and apply for it and of course they don’t make enough money to support their family because they sit at home and not do a single …show more content…

It’s even worse when they do get it and from experience they get help and don’t even use it on the children. Some people use the food stamps or wick to trade and sell for drug. The kids sit at home starving not knowing how to get help or defend for themselves have to depend on their parents, they have to have their trust in the only people that have raised them and when a insistent child can’t even do that. To have their own parent steal what they could be giving to their kids to grown and be strong but can’t have it because their mom or dad has to go sell it so they can go get drugs to put in their veins. After having a family member do that for her kids was hard to watch, leaving them with strangers so she could go out and get her “stuff”. The most saddest part it that while this happened being the one to have to raise that woman’s kids for almost three year. To the kids call you their mom when their real mother is somewhere else doing god knows what it just was a hard

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