The University is pleased to announce that the State of New York, under the leadership of Governor Cuomo and the legislature, is taking a bold step in addressing the cost of college education and student loan debt by launching the Excelsior Scholarship. This program is the first of its kind in the country. It will enable many New York State residents to attend a CUNY college tuition-free and establish a national model broadening access to higher education. Recipients of this award must have a family income of $100,000 or less, file the Free Application for Student Aid (FASFA) along with the TAP supplement, attend full-time, and complete 30 credits per year. (Nevarez, et al 2016). Awardees must also agree to reside exclusively in New York State and not be employed in any other State for a continuous number of years equal to the duration of the award. The Excelsior Scholarship will be applied to each qualifying student’s financial aid package after all other aid, including TAP, Pell, City Council Scholarship, college …show more content…
In the meantime, we recommend that you file the FAFSA immediately if you have not already done so. Please refer any questions you have to the Admissions or Financial Aid Office at the college you will be attending. Points of interest of New York's free open school educational cost program stirred a surge of solid responses in the days since Governor Andrew Cuomo and state administrators achieved an arrangement that will make them begin this fall. Maybe the most dubious component of the program, which is known as the Excelsior Scholarship, is a work and residency commitment that kicks in after understudies graduate. (Alderson et al 2015). Grant beneficiaries should live and work in New York State after graduation for a similar number of years they got Excelsior Scholarships, or their gifts will transform into
College is a head turner, eye catcher, and attention grabber. From making the decision to even attend to selecting the perfect school, the whole experience turns out to be incredibly stressful and multiple aspects go into what seems simple at first glance. The cost of attending college is on the rise. Parents and students anxiously await scholarship letters to help with these rising costs of education. State schools usually offer a financial advantage, but a new “law” is being proposed - free in-state college tuition to those students with a 3.5 GPA or higher. Few benefits are available and numerous disadvantages are present when it comes to this recently produced regulation. A few negative factors in this situation will be covered and the explanations will go into depth to prove that this idea is too good to be true. Even though the conception of free college is enticing, the cons outweigh the pros.
"The average debt that a New York State Student has is nearly $28,000, and nationally it's $29,000. We need to make sure for kids that are pursuing college, that it's more affordable," said Assemblyman Palmesano. Assemblyman Phil Palmesano and his fellow Assembly Republicans announced their plan to make college more affordable for New Yorkers. The Palmesano-back bill includes the Endowing the Community College Merit and Mobility Scholarship Program - which offers top high school graduates a $1,000 a year scholarship to attend a New York State Community College.
As upcoming high school seniors, many such as myself, desire scholarships in order to alleviate the financial burden that attending a university can bring. Though this considerable and generous scholarship prize money will be used to further my education at Texas A&M University, my main wish is to bring pride and satisfaction to my family. As a first generation student, I am humbled by the opportunity of obtaining an education in America. Since my parents were migrants from Vietnam and Hong Kong, a successful life here was unheard of many years before. Financial strains do occasionally plague our lives, however, we have not forgotten the strenuous hard work and sacrifice that my parents have conquered in order to put their two daughters through
Only four students went straight to the workforce, when a century ago, this was not the case. With students now consistently going straight to college after high school, state universities should be free to state residents since we have public high schools. In Kalamazoo, Michigan, students who attend high school in Kalamazoo starting in ninth grade, can have from sixty-five to one hundred percent of their tuition covered (Teicher). This is known as “The Promise.” The Promise guarantees any student from Kalamazoo a scholarship that pays either a majority or all of their tuition (Teicher). This scholarship can be used for any state school, fifteen private schools, and other state schools around the United States that are less than the highest tuition in Michigan (Teicher). Since The Promise’s first wave of scholarships, there has been definite improvements in college attendance. For black students, there has been a three percent rise in college attendance and overall forty-eight percent of scholarship recipients graduate college (Teicher). While this has shown an impact, there certainly are other factors that lead to the fifty-two percent that do not graduate, such as not being taught time management, academic skills, or how to take advantage of their sources (Teicher). Despite this fallback, “The Promise” has definitely started an era of higher college graduation rates and those who lack financial support a method of
A boy from the war torn LEBRON JAMES, LEBRON JAMES, steps foot in, the United States on September 9, 2008. Knowing no english at all, he begins the journey of his new life. He is 8 years old and traveled with his mother, LEBRON JAMES; father, LEBRON JAMES; older brother, LEBRON JAMES; and sisters, LEBRON JAMES and LEBRON JAMES. We have just recently gotten an immigration scholarship that gave them the opportunity for a better life, in the United States.
"Young Goodman Brown," a story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, should be interpreted on a psychoanalytical level rather than a religious one. It is my observation that "Young Goodman Brown" may very well be the first published work alluding to divisions of the mind and personality theory. Although religion is a direct theme throughout the story, "Young Goodman Brown" appears to be an allegory with deeper meanings.
One of the biggest challenges college students face today is debt associated by student loans. Nearly every college student will graduate with debt unless supported by academic or athletic scholarships, grants or financial aid. This issue can be addressed by encouraging students to pursue scholarships, and applying for financial aid. Though not all scholarships are capable of fully funding a student's tuition, most can help provide for fees, books, or housing. Many websites and counselors are open to providing scholarship opportunities to students who seek it. Applying for smaller scale scholarships often can result in a larger amount of money than at first anticipated. Applying for large scale scholarships are worth the time that is spent
Review of Cyril J. Barker's "CUNY tuition jacked up," New York Amsterdam Times, 102(48), 1-35.
I was surprised to see that I was qualified for the National Honors Society Scholarship, however I felt as if it was going to be hard to “brag” about myself. I thought long and hard on who I am as a person and I have to say that I have many leadership, character, and service qualities.
Today, Susan Hansen, Admissions Director of East Liberal Arts College, wishes to increase tuition and reduce financial aid available to students (Brickley, Smith and Zimmerman, 2009, p. 110). Moreover, she has expressed that “increasing tuition and reducing the amount of financial aid will solve the schools financial problems” (Brickley, Smith and Zimmerman, 2009, p. 110). This will be done by “increasing an effective tuition from $15,000 to $25,000” (Brickley et al., 2009). She also projects that the tuition increase enrollment from 400 to 600 students (Brickley, Smith and Zimmerman,
I’m applying for the AVID program due to the fact that I believe that I’m a hardworking student. I want to challenge myself so I can achieve the best I can be academically. I believe that this makes me an ideal addition to your program. I have been told by people that I’m well mannered, helpful, and that I follow directions.
A recent argument has arisen that student athletes should be provided with stipends each year for miscellaneous items such as food, gas, clothes, and travels back home. The main issue with providing these stipends is that some people feel that doing so is exemplifying that student athletes on scholarships are being paid to play their sport. The idea of stipends for scholarship athletes is frowned upon for 3 main reason: student athletes will be considered employees for the university, student athletes are already fully funded for and do not have a need for extra money, and an unbalanced budget to be able to pay these stipends. These athletes, however, are very deserving of these stipends. The controversial issue is a major problem because
However, college education not only delivers a degree or diploma, but also intellectual growth and a more promising future of financial stability and happiness. With things like fees, financial aid, housing and transportation, it is understandable for any individual to be frustrated with the many obstacles college may throw. However, college is only as difficult as one may approach it. It is an overwhelming statistic that “student debt has increased significantly,” within the past few decades (Leonhardt). With plenty of opportunities for financial aid, students can ease the tension of their wallets by taking advantage of the convenience scholarships provide.
Presently, the availability of educational opportunities at the college and university level is a critical state and personal interest given the needs of the state for a well-educated workforce which has never been greater. Too many, the focal point of attending college is receiving a high paying job in the future. Unfortunately, in most states, tuition is on the rise and students who come from low-income families find themselves struggling to fund their education. According to legislatures, “The cost of college in New Jersey, as in the nation, continues to grow faster than the rate of inflation.” (State of New Jersey 1). In the national financial aid policy resources that are typically given to the neediest families are shifting towards
When I went to school for that short period of time before being expelled, I learned how serious the Japanese really were about taking down the White Devils. I also learned that you can stand up for your beliefs but it comes with a cost.