
Examples Of Witchcraft In Macbeth

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Macbeth’s Reflection of Witchcraft During the 17th Century
During the early 1600’s, English society was mostly comprised of Puritan Anglicans whose views on certain aspects within the society were very particular. Given that religion influenced the law during the time, many activities were considered illegal if they went against God or the Anglican Church according to the Bible. (“History of Witchcraft”) One such illegal act during this time period was the concept of witchcraft. Witchcraft was considered to be an evil, satanic act due to conflicts with religious beliefs. (“Witchcraft in England”) If one were accused of meddling in witchcraft, and found guilty, the punishment was death. Many people began to use witchcraft as a scapegoat for …show more content…

The dialect in this scene is so characteristic of the ‘propaganda witch’ created by the churches during the 17th century. The first example of this speech is the chant in which the three witches are brewing their potion: “Round about the cauldron go, in the poisoned entrails throw.”(“Macbeth”) We can see the clear repetition of dark words again: “cauldron, “poisoned entrails”, etc. These words paint a vivid image of a bubbling cauldron filled with smoking, green liquid, which strikes further fear of what’s to come from this liquid. And of course follows the Weird Sisters’ most famous lines in Macbeth, “Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble.” (“Macbeth”) The next words to come are more ingredients going into their pot. The interesting thing here is that Shakespeare really did his research so that he could properly portray these witches to be realistic. We see the use of animals that to most people still are associated to be gross and somewhat supernatural, snakes, toads, newts, bats, etc. If we really analyze the speech of the witches within each scene, we notice the same pattern, the same type of language even, that was commonly associated with witches during the 1600’s. People knew what these symbols within the dialect

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