
Examples Of Why Did Julius Caesar Join The Conspiracy

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Joining the Conspiracy
Lloyd Banks once said “I take things like honor and loyalty seriously. It's more important to me than any materialistic thing or any fame I could have.” In this quote Banks explains that being loyal and honorable is extremely serious and should come before fame and materials. This is very relevant to Julius Caesar Act II, because Brutus has to decide whether to join the conspiracy or to tell Caesar about what Cassius plans to do. In Act II, Brutus decides to join the conspiracy and even becomes the leader of it. I believe that Brutus did the right thing in joining the conspiracy, because he puts the people of Rome first and is very loyal and honorable to them, and Brutus thinks that Caesar will become corrupt and …show more content…

For example, Brutus was worried about the people when they were cheering for Caesar to be their leader and had said, “What means this shouting? I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king” (I,ii,75-89). The Roman people were unloyal, for instance, they would cheer for whomever was favored at that time without thinking about who the person really is or what they offer to Rome. These are examples of how trustworthy and honorable Brutus is, and how he needs to change the way people think of Caesar. For example, Brutus needs to show that Caesar is not better than anyone else as he states in (I,ii,98-103) “I was born as free as Caesar and so were you. We both have eaten as well, and we can both suffer the winter’s cold as well as …show more content…

First, during the Lupercal when the women aren’t able to bare children, he thinks that it is Calpurnia’s fault. Second, when Antony was trying to offer him a symbol of having the crown he denied it three times to get attention. For example, every time he rejected it the crowd cheered louder and louder for him to take it and would also praise him. These actions just proved himself to be more arrogant, self-absorbed, heartless, and showed he wanted to be in control and wanted all the attention on himself. This is evidence that Caesar showed himself to be an arrogant and inconsiderate

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