
Examples Of Tyranny In Animal Farm

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In Animal Farm, Orwell subtly presents tyranny through the character of Napoleon. In chapter 6, Orwell shows how Squealer is used by Napoleon to persuade the animals. “Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?” Orwell has used a rhetorical question to show the manipulation and intelligence that the pigs have. The use of ‘you’ (second person) involves each animal as an individual instead of referring to the group as a whole to intimidate them and uses the fear of Jones to make them co-operate. Orwell also does this to show the propaganda that Stalin used during the Russian. However, Macbeth’s style of tyranny is presented differently to Napoleons, as Macbeth uses fear and violence to control the people of Scotland. “Hang those that talk of fear” Shakespeare has done this not only to show Macbeths cruelty but also his paranoia. Macbeth is suspicious and feels that …show more content…

Shakespeare shows how Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo as to not reveal his plans to the ‘common eye’, and presents him as powerful yet in many ways weak. The audience can also see how Macbeth has become paranoid and is not entirely at ease. “Our fears in Banquo – Stick deep”, Shakespeare shows how Macbeth is afraid of Banquo as his act of murder now appears pointless and was committed for Banquo’s heirs. This also foreshadows Lady Macbeth’s paranoia later on during the play. However, in Animal Farm Napoleon publicly executes animals that confess to have been secretly in touch with Snowball. “The dogs promptly tore their throats out”. Orwell shows how Napoleon uses fear and his ruthlessness in order to make the other animals understand what will happen if they disobey him. However, like Macbeth, Napoleon uses the dogs to carry out the executions. The dogs represent the NKVD, Stalin’s secret police force, who helped him execute or exile anyone who was perceived as a threat. Like the dogs, they were a cruel force that allowed Stalin to remain in

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