
Examples Of Tuesdays With Morrie Aphorism

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As you get older, you learn that life is shorter than you think. Researchers explain that one third of our life is sleeping and another third is working/school. This means humans are usually left with less than one third of your life which you can do things you love. Today, humans don’t understand how much time they lose doing useless things. The worst thing is sometimes you don’t even know when your end is near. You could even die today from a heart attack or die in a fatal accident. We are explaining the general truth about many observations which is known as aphorisms. In Mitch Albom’s novel, Tuesdays With Morrie, Morrie demonstrates many examples of aphorisms. The aphorisms in this novel were interpreted in different ways for people to …show more content…

This is because you don't want to forever burn a bridge. It could come back to haunt you because you never know when you will need or be needed by your family. If you choose to not forgive or not move past an issue, you may be left with no one to lean on or any support.
Along with the argument of love, towards the end of the book, Morrie was on the borderline of death. He was making life easy for him and enjoying every moment of his last few weeks and months. Morrie thought of everything in a positive way and even turned every negative thought to a positive thought when Mitch questioned him. Morrie set goals for himself like talking on as many talk shows as possible to let people know his life story. Speaking of goals, I believe an important aphorism in this book is about life goals and dreams. In the novel, Morrie states,”If you really want it, then you will make your dream happen”(47). From this quote, I believe this is important because if you don’t set goals for yourself then everything could just go wrong. This relates to me because I try to set goals for my business. My dad always says, if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. I don't want to fail. Without goals, I would continue on with bad habits and procrastination with most things. Without setting goals would keep me unorganized and messy. This quote proves I need to set goals because then I might start depending on

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