
Examples Of Thanatophobia In The Pardoner's Tale

Decent Essays

Thanatophobia Everyone has at least one phobia, be it clowns, public speaking, or spiders. One common phobia is thanatophobia, or the fear of death. This is the second most common fear in the United States, with 68% of the population having thanatophobia (Fear / Phobia Statistics). But is the fear of death actually about death, or is it actually the fear of when you die? Or even how? In “The Pardoner’s Tale,” three young men who are described as foolish, drunken, and greedy hear of a friend’s life being taken by Death; these three men, while in their drunken rage, set out to find and destroy Death for what he had done. They stumble upon an older gentleman who directs them to an oak tree where they can find Death. However, instead they spot

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