Thanatophobia Everyone has at least one phobia, be it clowns, public speaking, or spiders. One common phobia is thanatophobia, or the fear of death. This is the second most common fear in the United States, with 68% of the population having thanatophobia (Fear / Phobia Statistics). But is the fear of death actually about death, or is it actually the fear of when you die? Or even how? In “The Pardoner’s Tale,” three young men who are described as foolish, drunken, and greedy hear of a friend’s life being taken by Death; these three men, while in their drunken rage, set out to find and destroy Death for what he had done. They stumble upon an older gentleman who directs them to an oak tree where they can find Death. However, instead they spot
Some of us come to term with the reality that everything in life is temporary, and that one day we will all die. But sometimes people face hard time facing the reality of death because is never easy to accept not breathing one day. Some people fear for a good reason because once someone dies there is no coming back and not knowing what happens in the afterlife makes dying even more painful. The sad thing about dying is that one never knows when they will die, which is why someone people hate thinking about dying because it makes them overthink when they will die. Everyone face the reality of death differently
In “The Pardoner’s Tale” a group of revelrous men seek revenge after Death kills their friend. While on the hunt for Death, the men find an old man, who has found Death, but Death has not taken the man yet. The three brutes ask the man where to find Death, and he
Death is an unknown place that people tend to avoid because of the fear that surrounds it. But, there should be fear or anxiety that has built up because being in a strange place will definitely add anxiety and fear to a person. Ron Scranton confirms this idea by saying. “learning how to die isn’t easy… I was terrified by the idea”. From the time when he was in the army, he had no choice but to face the idea of death. What seems to scare individuals the most is the thought and process
Everyone consciously or subconsciously is afraid of death because we don’t really know what happens after we die. Many people wonder if our population is growing how can reincarnation be real. Three lines of evidence demonstrate reincarnation is real. There have been multiple stories where young children have remembered parts of their past life leading to the idea of reincarnation. Doctors have done multiple studies on patients that have had near death experiences (NEDs) and what they experienced. Many of the patients said they saw a bright tunnel or encountered spirits. Plato said you will never sleep as in you will never be dead for good and, you will always end up coming back to life.
The way I percieve death is that it is absoulute and no living thing can ever escape it. Nor should we be afraid of death it is simply a
Everyone in this world is going to die at some point, but no one wants to think about that. Most people do not let the thought of death bother them, they just live their normal life and go on with their daily business. Death can happen at any given moment in time, but we will never know when that time will come. Death is not the number one fear in the world, but it is still in the top ten. There are a lot of people in the world do fear the thought of dying, so they put it in
The basis of fear of aging and death are partly due to how we view life. Everything about this life structure is based on a beginning and end. Nothing in this world will last forever except our souls, which we have an option of how and where we will spend eternity. However, getting back to the journey we call life, our bodies are constantly changing as are the times and seasons. I believe that the worldview of life has caused a great “fear” in
Everyone and everything dies eventually so there is no reason to fear death. Even fear of the unknown is not necessary. It is coming to us all eventually and as long as you live every day the best you can, there should be no reason for a person to fear death. By controlling oneself, you can reduce regrets in your life and adequately assess your own actions enough to be able to improve upon who you are, what you do, and how you act and react. If you live by this, there should be no reason to regret or feel guilty and if you are living your life, constantly striving to be better, there should be no reason for anyone to fear something that is completely natural.
“Does one fear death? Is it that dark abyss? All the deeds laid bare, all the sins punished?” (“Inspiration about Life and Death”) more often than not the thought of death is considered feared and an undesired event in someone’s life. In “Thanatopsis” William Cullen Bryant takes a more subtle view.
The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” (Mark Twain). This quote from the famous American writer is the basis for what became one of the hardest ideas to comprehend, death. Death has always been a complex term, causing one to struggle with what the true definition is. It is also hard to wrap your mind around what does it truly mean to die. These are the questions we long for the answer. Whether we acknowledge it or not, death has always been feared by many. Death remains an impossible question, one that has been unexplained since beginning of time. Even though dying is a natural, we as a human race still fear it. What can be done to defeat this never-ending battle? According to Montaigne’s “To Philosophize is to Learn to Die” and Cory Taylor’s “Questions for Me About Dying” we can overcome this by living to the fullest, living with no regrets, living a legacy, and lastly not fearing the inevitable. If you want to conquer the question of life, live in the moment.
Many people seem to fear death, but philosophers such as Socrates and Epicurus would argue that one has no reason to fear it. Socrates sees death as a blessing to be wished for if death is either nothingness or a relocation of the soul, whereas Epicurus argues that one shouldn't worry themselves about death since, once we are gone, death is annihilation which is neither good nor bad. Epicurus believes that death itself is a total lack of perception, wherein there is no pleasure or pain. I agree with Epicurus because Socrates doesn't give a sound argument for death as a blessing, whereas Epicurus' argument is cogent. I would also argue personally that death is not something to be feared because, like Epicurus, I see no sufficient evidence
When people ponder death they wonder about the unknown with trepidation. As a young man, William Cullen Bryant wrote the "Thanatopsis." His thoughts progress from the fear of death to the acceptance of the event. People should not fear death because everyone dies and becomes a part of nature.
“Our life and death are the same thing. When we realize this fact, we have no fear of death anymore, nor actual difficulty in our life,” said Suzuki (Suzuki, Part II, pg 92). This quote by Suzuki, suggests that our society has thanatophobia (fear of death and dying). Why are we so terrified of dying? We often see people contributing to senseless life styles simply because they are too afraid to die to their insignificant selves. We constantly partake in unhealthy actions simply because we fail to recognize that there is a beauty in dying. This type of beauty is special because through these mini-deaths we renew ourselves to something better. In dying, we abolish our small minds and opens to a meaningful state of mind, the “Big Mind” as Suzuki calls it. It’s necessary that we die to our egotistic desires so that we can move towards self-actualization and become free. We ought to start by ridding ourselves of ignorance, selfishness, and vindictive ways so that we can renew ourselves through meaningful practices such being more aware, accepting, and rational.
Thanatophobia is caused by either a traumatic experience or by religious factors. Traumatic experience includes, “previous traumatic experience where the person was exposed to the threat of dying.” (, page 1) This means that the person who has almost died themselves has developed Thanatophobia as a result. Religious factors can also cause people to get Thanatophobia. “Some people might develop thanatophobia being extremely cautious of what might happen after dying or where they’ll be.” (, page 1) This means that the person is so extremely worried about where they will be or what will happen once they have died that they have developed Thanatophobia as a result. Thanatophobia can be caused by either traumatic experience or religious factors.
Fear, this one word has so many different meanings to everybody. Their and thousands of fears, a whole list of phobias each one with a different fear behind them whether it be arachnophobia which is a fear of spiders or thantophobia the fear of death. As for me i don't have many fears most are just something i don't like. I do however have one know big fear for myself, i fear what people will think of me when i'm gone this isn't a fear of death it's a fear after death. Or what i will be leaving behind when i'm gone, will i leave a good message or a bad one. One that people will remember among my family, or a message of no one even remembering my name. In most cases fear can take over the person under the curse of fear. In my fear