
Examples Of Teen Activism

Decent Essays

We have all seen young people doing amazing things. They change the world and can inspire their peers and even people twice their age. Have you ever wondered how they got started? Teen activism is caused and is inspired through different means. Some teens were compelled to activism because of inspiration from a parent. Others became active based on observation of an issue and its impact on others and the world. Some teens became leaders because they were directly affected by an issue. There are numerous examples of teen activists to illustrate how their activism originated.
The first reason that teen activism is initiated is when a parent is closely involved. This is demonstrated by global education activist Malala Yousafzi and her father from Pakistan. Her father’s profession as a teacher clearly brought her to realize what a good education can do for any individual. Moreover, Malala’s father is quoted saying, “People ask me, what (is) special in my mentorship which has made Malala so bold and so courageous and so vocal and poised? I tell them, don't ask me what I did. Ask me what I did not do. I did not clip her wings, and that's all.” Thus, Malala demonstrates activism facilitated by a parent. Her father consistently motivated Malala …show more content…

RaSia was a high school student when his best friend Hadiya Pendleton was fatally shot and killed in Chicago. The killing of his friend opened RaSia’s eyes to what was happening in his city. To combat violence in Chicago, he co-founded an organization called Project Orange Tree. This is a clear example of how a person or what happens to a person can motivate another teen to go on to change the world. The aim would be to prevent others from having the same experience. RaSia’s friend knew about the dangers in the city, but never thought he could be personally impacted. It opened RaSia’s eyes and lead him to found Project Orange

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