
Examples Of Sympathy For Perry Capote

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Capote manages to impress Perry Smith by making us feel sympathy for him in his writing. The perry we know he has most likely killed someone before and later goes on and kills the Clutters. When we hear this breathtaking information we start to feel like Perry isn’t necessarily the good guy in this novel he might just be as worse as Dick is. Later in the text on pages 110 to 113 we learn about Perry’s past and his true family. We digest that he had two sisters and two brothers and one of his sisters as quoted in the text “Fern, the other daughter, jumped out of a window of a San Francisco hotel” (Capote 110). Furthermore, the narrator talks about Perry’s mom and how she is an alcoholic. Out of his other family only his older sister Barbara lived a …show more content…

Perry is then able to accept that his family was not like any other ordinary family. From realizing this, he comes to the conclusion that he himself is not ordinary as well so maybe he uses this information to try justify his actions. He needs psychological help moreover, Capote is able to impress us with Perry’s character by having us feel some type of sympathy for Perry that may or may not be justifiable depending on what you consider justifiable. A really great example to prove this thought would be, “I think there must be something wrong with us… after all it was “painful” to imagine that one might be “not just right, particularly if whatever was wrong was not your own fault but “maybe a thing you were born with”, (Capote 110), clearly Capote want’s us to believe or accept that Perry’s actions are justifiable and we should feel sympathy for him. In this quote Perry is able to realize or spark his head with the idea that he isn’t ordinary. This all comes down to the conclusion that maybe, If Perry would have lived a better life and more care was given to him from his parents and his parents more responsible and a bit

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