
Examples Of Superstition In Dracula

Decent Essays


Dracula has like most other gothic movies many duality themes and in this assignment I’m going to discuss three of them

The first one I’m going to discuss is science versus superstition in the late 1850s England Darwin releases his theory and England has had the industrial revolution so very big changes had happened. So it made the society forced to forget about the old ways and therefor they started to question their beliefs.

We can see that in the novel in the way that the modernized people of England have kind of turned their back on superstition and started to think a lot more about science. And the fact they are a lot less superstitious makes them easier prey for Dracula. Fx in the movie when Lucy gets ill the doctors don’t believe there is anything superstitious going on they just think that it’s a blood disease even though she loses a lot of blood but they didn’t really kn0w how. It is only Van Helsing who actually thinks something superstitious is going on. And that makes them a really easy prey …show more content…

Another huge theme in Dracula even though it’s not exactly a duality theme is Romantic love and lust because in the Victorian England womens sexuality was very dictated by by the extremely strict expectations from society. A woman in the Victorian age had two options she was either a virgin very pure a positive or else she was a wife and a mother. If she was anything else than that she was not worthy of any respect

Dracula takes up the topic of female sexuality by making some of the female characters deviate from the Victroian standards of female behaviour example Lucy is really flirtatious and that’s probably also why she ends up being Draculas first victim. Female sexuality is also shown as a very bad and dangerous thing in form of the evil

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