
Examples Of Superiority In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Have you ever wondered how people prove superiority? Superiority is when people try to prove to others that they are superior. This is something that people think is a lot less common than it actually is. It happens everyday and can have lifelong effects. Even though our society says that it does not approve of those who judge someone by their skin color, religion, culture, age, or gender, people often act out these prejudices with violent behavior because they want to prove their own superiority.
People of various cultures have tried to prove superiority violently. A good example of this is in Night when the nazis slapped Ellie's father, “Then as walking from a deep sleep he slapped my father with such force that he fell down and then crawled back to his place on all fours (Wiesel 39). This proves superiority …show more content…

An excellent example of this is in To Kill A Mockingbird when Judge Taylor declares Tom Robinson guilty “Judge Taylor was polling the jury: Guilty...guilty...guilty...guilty…” (Lee 282). This has a long lasting effect on Atticus and the Finch family because they were the ones that was trying to defend Tom Robinson and not succeeding to defend him hurt the whole town. Another example of this is in Night when Ellie gives a nobel winning speech “I belong to a traumatized generation, one that experienced the abandonment and solitude of our people” (Wiesel 119). This pretty much summarizes the entire speech and has long lasting effects because he is trying to spread the word and clearly let others know that it is not ok to do something like this again. A third great example of this is in Prom Night In Mississippi when the school votes to move away from black and white proms (“Prom Night” n.pag.). This had a long lasting effect on the school because it took them a while to adjust to what every other school in the country does today. Violence can have often have long lasting

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