
Examples Of Success, Age Really Is Just A Number By Ernest Carey

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What makes someone successful? Is success based on someone’s clothes, car, house, and job, what if success was something we could all achieve as of today and in our, every day lives? Ironically, society views success as the amount of money you have or expensive belongings you own, most even go as far as to say success is what job you have or the type of house you live in, or car you drive. Sandra Kappes my mother, and a customer service worker for Altron magnetics, however, is successful not only because of her gentle, caring personality and where she is today but because of what got her to where she is today. When asked if Ms. Kappes viewed herself as successful she stated: “Yes, it wasn’t easy raising two kids by myself while holding down multiple jobs”. Undoubtedly, Ms. Kappes’s view of success is not based on …show more content…

Ms. Kappes also stated, “I would say my biggest accomplishment in life was raising two caring children on my own”. One big aspect of Ms. Kappes’s personality is that she is a caring, and kind individual. According to Benedict Carey, author of “When It Comes to Success, Age Really Is Just a Number” from The New York Times. “Charles Darwin was 29 when he came up with his theory of natural selection. Einstein had his annus mirabilis at age 26; Marie Curie made big discoveries about radiation in her late 20s. Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 in E flat: 8 years old” (2). This quote proves that no matter the age or a person’s wealth, any body can become successful. Obviously, Ms. Kappes’s motivation and drive helped her to achieve in her

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